
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Shooting Star: Let’s Play Together! (Oct. 17th-21st)

We, We, We is better than Me, Me, Me!

To practice sharing, caring, communication, and cooperation, we played a game that would need team work and respect for each other.

The class was grouped into three. The goal was to be able to bring the yogurt cup to the other side of the room and put it in the bucket with only one finger of each member holding it. Though it was difficult, the teams were able to achieve the goal by communicating and cooperating. They had to remember that it wasn’t Me Time instead it was a We Time. At the end of the game the class was asked which one was more fun, and they immediately anwered the We Time. They realized that it is more fun if we work together as a team than working alone.

We aim to play and do more activities that will help the kids to be more aware of other people’s thoughts and feelings.

We answered 4 Wh questions in UOI namely Who, Where, When, and What. Who were the characters? Where did the story happen? When did it happen? What happened in the story?

Another way of working together was our activitiy in UOI where we were tasked to arrange the sequence of events in the story Little Red Riding Hood as a group.

It’s Play Time!

We went to Shinonoi Chuo Park for our bus trip.


We colored sugar skull for Halloween then made Halloween related stuff using styrofoam balls, pipe cleaners and googly eyes.

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano Shooting Star: Let’s Play Together! (Oct. 17th-21st)