Hello everyone!
I apologize; the blog was not uploaded within the regular schedule last week due to sickness.
Our last week of 2024 was short but fun. We watched a fantastic puppet show, had a fun Christmas party, and made Christmas crafts.
Christmas crafts
We took it easy by making Christmas crafts during our free time.

Puppet show
We had the pleasure of hosting a professional puppet show. The kids and teachers were all amazed by the performance. This was a great way to conclude our UOI about telling stories in different ways.

Christmas Party
We wrapped up 2024 with a delightful Christmas party. We gathered all the preschool and elementary students for the festivities. Each class performed a Christmas song in front of everyone before we moved on to the presents. A group of Santa Clauses arrived to give out Christmas gifts to each class. We finished the party with a fun Christmas quiz.