It is important to teach our kids to be responsible in their own belongings such as clothes which we often change them everyday before and after nap time at school. Therefore, we taught them to fold their own clothes this week. This is also in conjunction with our monthly theme. We first explained and demonstrated the ways to fold the shirt and pants, then we distributed their own clothes and asked them to do the folding. Each kid was so serious about it, and once they have done folding them, they were so happy and eager to show their achievements to everyone. Good job Rainbow! Now you can take care of your own clothes.

This week, we also had our craft lesson on making the dragonfly in a creative way! First, we gave them the materials such as the lids, straws, and some paper leaves. They put the craft materials on the paper and paste them in appropriate order. Next we applied the water colors to the leaves in red and yellow, this gives them the idea of what autumn leaves look like. Lastly we waited for the colored leaves to dry and use them again next time! Well done everyone!

As we all know that the Christmas show is coming soon, the Rainbow kids took every opportunity to practice so that we could present the best performance to the parents. We also used the music lesson this week for the practice. Each kid understood their part and did their best in the practice. Lastly we had some relaxing walk with instruments before we ended the lesson. Looking forward to the performance, Do your best Rainbow!