

対談 栗林さんと清水さんPart 1-Conversation between Ms.Kuribayashi and Mr. Shimizu-

(Introduction of ISN and explanation of it’s future prospects)


-Ms. Kuribayashi
There is only one campus in Nagano, and this campus was established about 3 or 4 years ago. The first campus was in Matsumoto, which was called Minami-Matsumoto. As the number of students increased, a campus was built in Shimauchi, and then the Nagano campus was constructed. ISN will use vacant school buildings and partner with the government to create a variety of international education options. The aim is to create a centre of excellence for the local community, open to all, as a public good. We are communicating with the government to make this a reality in the next few years.

栗林園長×清水氏 懇談
Conversation between Ms.Kuribayashi and Mr. Shimizu

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I currently live in a village which can be considered a Satoyama(※1), a so-called marginal village(※2).
I thought it would be interesting to live in a Satoyama because similar issues come up in my country too.

※1 Satoyama means ”woodland and agricultual area close to a village (living area)”.
※2 A marginal village is a village with over half the residents over the age of 65 that are in danger of disappearing.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Why did you decide to live there?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I am a third year student at Shinshu University, studying forest ecology. I am studying forest ecology in my third year at Shinshu University, and the idea of living and studying in a satoyama came up.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


What is your interest in forest ecology?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Research on beech roots has not progressed. It is possible to cut the trunk and see what grows above the ground, but it is difficult to remove the roots. It is not understood at all. For example, there are textbooks about the organisms that live in beech forests, but nothing about the roots of the beech. We are now studying how the roots are formed. I am writing a paper on how roots work. It was very difficult to climb up the tree, and we have only recently been able to do so by throwing ropes and so on. Until then, it was a world where if you swept an insect net across the top of the tree, you would find 80 new species. It was said that the world above the tree canopy is less understood than the black holes in space. I went to the forest several times a week with my teacher to write a paper about it.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Is that research being done in collaboration with the Minerva Schools at KGI?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I’m doing research privately. Minerva Schools at KGI is an online school, so we can be anywhere, and I wanted to do some research while I am at Shinshu University.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


I think the formation was very different before you enrolled 3 years ago, are you not bound by the move?
(※Minerva Schools at KGI is a residential university, but it is unique in that it does not have a specific campus, and students take classes online while moving to seven cities around the world over the course of four years.)

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


The option for students to move to different places while studying has not changed at all. Other classmates are also in Berlin now. I have personally asked the school to let me stay in the Satoyama of Shinshu, this semester because of the research I am involved with.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


What is your connection to Shinshu?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I was an IBDP student at a high school in Karuizawa.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


I don’t know much about other high schools, but how was UWC ISAK Japan in Karuizawa?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I attended an integrated public junior and senior high school, so I had some experience with other high schools in Japan, but I felt that the teaching style at ISAK was completely different. I felt that the students were at the center of everything.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)

ISAKは大学っぽいというか、日本の大学とは比べようがないが、Inquiry Base(Inquiry Based Learning 探究学習)、学校から教えてもらうものもありながらも、自分で開拓していく感じだと思っている。

I think ISAK is more like a university. I can’t compare it to Japanese universities, but I think it is more like Inquiry Base (Inquiry Based Learning), where some things are taught by the school, but to a certain extent you have to develop your own skills.

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think you are right. If I were to use an analogy with other high schools, for example, the goal would be to get students into college, or the school’s facilities would be new, but at ISAK, the students are the goal of everything and the adults are truly there for the students. Every day I felt that the teachers were there for the students.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


It’s interesting, we have the same awareness. What exactly was it that made you feel that way?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think the fact that I lived in a dormitory throughout high school was a big factor. Living in a dormitory is a situation where parents and children are separated and the children have to be more responsible for themselves. There was an atmosphere where the students and teachers had to work together. Also, I think the fact that it was a high school was a big factor. Even though it was IB, I think that high school students would have a wider range of activities than if they were in kindergarten or high school.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


What percentage of the students were Japanese?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


About 30%.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Where did these people come from?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Everyone was different. At first, most of them were from the Tokyo metropolitan area, but they came from throughout the country. There were people from Aomori and Nagano, for example.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


What was the examination process like at ISAK? It may have changed now, but did you have to submit your junior high school transcript, write down the purpose of your application, and have an interview?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Yes. The interview for the entrance exam was done by a current student. Since we were going to live in a dormitory, the current students actually interview the next people they want to live with. Of course, there are also staff there.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Why do you think you were accepted?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think it was luck.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


It could be your personality, or it could be that when you were compared to others, you had good grades OVERALL. What do you think it was that made you accepted or excel?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I’d like to know why I was accepted too. I think the flow of conversation and everything was just like now. However, I think it is difficult for the school to find out who the person is just from the interview. It was the teachers who interviewed me, so I talked with them after I entered the school, but it was hard to talk about myself. In that sense, I don’t know why they accepted me. I don’t think you can tell from just 20 minutes of an interview.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Why did you choose Minerva Schools at KGI as your career path?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)

ミネルバは新しい学校であり、新しいそのアプローチがすごく良かった。そのアプローチの1つが、1年目は皆同じ科目をとるのだが、「80の思考法」というのを学ぶ。例えば、さっきのinquiry baseではないが、ではどうやってそのInquaryを立てるのか。文系、社会、理科、数学も、そのまま思考法をそれぞれ抽出し、統計とか、バイアスについてとか、あるいは人文だったら、物書きの仕方、社会だとか、どうやって人はお互い関わっているのかを思考法として学ぶのがすごく面白いなと思った。

Minerva Schools at KGI is a new school, and it’s new approach was very good. One of the approaches is that in the first year, everyone takes the same course, but they learn “80 ways of thinking”. For example, it’s the inquiry based learning I mentioned earlier, but also how do you formulate the inquiries? I thought it was very interesting to learn how people relate to each other in the humanities, social studies, science, and mathematics by extracting their own ways of thinking, such as looking at statistics, bias, or in the case of humanities, how to write, society, and so on.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)

ミネルバのfinal projectはどんな感じなのか。

What is the FINAL project of Minerva Schools at KGI like?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


This will be free and will take two years. Some do research, some do business, and some do humanities.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Is Minerva Schools at KGI a good school for everyone?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


No, I don’t think so, because it is an extension of IB.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Did you experience any culture shock when you joined ISAK?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I didn’t have much of a culture shock because I was pretty open-minded, so I felt like I was free to make my own decisions, thank you very much. I think there are a lot of tough kids who are able to make their own way in the world without being mentally affected by slight changes in their environment.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


ISAK often uses the word “leader”. There are many different types of leaders, but how do you interpret the term?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


ISAK also says the same thing, that there is not necessarily one type of leader, that there is a classical leader who means to lead, and there is also a leader who supports the leader and makes it easy for the leader to do things. I also think that being a good person is also a leader.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


The important thing is to recognize who you are and what your values are. I believe that if you realize this from an early age, your sense of self-affirmation will naturally increase, as if to say, “Other people don’t have this, so I can carry this. I believe that if children realize this from an early age, their sense of self-affirmation will naturally increase, and they will become leaders who believe that this is okay and that they can excel in this area. Not only for the children, but also for the parents. How do you think about your future career path?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I am struggling with that. I can’t answer that yet. I am not the type of person who works towards a goal. I’m not the type of person who works towards a goal. I’ve been relying on my parents for so long, so now I’m going to try to earn my own money. I’m thinking of getting a job in the U.S. or overseas to get some training.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


What do your parents do for a living?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Homemaker and civil servant.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Were you able to APPLY for a scholarship at ISAK?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)



-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


If you were grateful to your parents, what would you say about them?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


They let me do whatever I want.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


I was blessed to have parents who allowed me to live freely. What do you think about the fact that you had the option to learn from other people around you who may have a different way of life?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think I was very fortunate. I think it is not possible for everyone to be able to do what they want to do. There are many people around me who want to study but don’t have time to do so and have other things to do besides studying. I personally think it’s hard for me to say, “You can do whatever you want.” So, not only was I blessed, but I had a lot of support from the people around me. The support of my parents and other adults around me was very strong. Every time I am able to do something, I feel that it is because of their support that I am where I am today. The same goes for the farmer (homestay host) in “Kinasa(※3)”. I feel that they are very open-minded and generous even if they only say, “It’s okay to stay here.”
(※3) Kinasa is a quiet village located in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. So-called City of the valley (Tani no Miyako), the area stretches along the headstream of Susobana river surrounded by mountains.
(It is cited from Kinasa Tourism Association. https://kinasa.jp/

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Not everyone can do what they want to do” is a very big statement. Our goal is to “give every child a choice in the world,” and while “world” means “global,” it also means “to be able to reach the dreams you set for yourself. Even if they don’t go abroad, I believe it is a basic human right to be able to do so. The bottom line is to do what the child wants to do while respecting the child’s values, and not everyone is able to do that. Of course I feel the same way. There may be adults around who can act as advisors, but in the end it is the child himself who decides what to do. What we try to do is to make sure that the children themselves decide where they want to go in Stage 3 (international education in Glocal, with education as the main axis, involving the local community, and working with the government) and what they want to do with the discipline and lifestyle greetings.

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think that’s right.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Do you have a vision for the next 20 years, like what you want to do in the future?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I would like to do something for the world. You may say, “What are you talking about? I have always felt that there are still more things that I cannot do than things that I can do.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


I don’t think there are many people who can do more than they can do.

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)

出来ることから少しずつやっていって、20年後何かになれればと。分野という意味だったら、現在エコロジーをやっているのと、大学でプログラミングもやっているので、それを掛け合わせた何かをやっていけたらと思う。 IBに絡めて話をすると、「出来る事より、出来ない事が多い」といういう気付きについては、IBの教えでは、知識とは何かというのを大事にする。自分が知らないことを知るっていうのは、学びの中だけではなく、他のクラスメートと一緒の時、その中でも感じていた。自分は何故こんなに英語が出来ないんだろうと。大学でも皆それぞれ似たような感じだった。皆、もがきながら何かを始めようとしている。そういう環境がすごく大きかったと思う。

I would like to start with what I can do, and hope that in 20 years I will be able to do something. In terms of fields, I am currently working on ecology, and I am also doing programming at university, so I would like to do something that is a combination of both.
I’ll talk about it in relation to IB. For example, about the realization that “there are more things you can’t do than things you can do,” the IB teachings emphasize the importance of what knowledge is. Knowing what I don’t know is something I felt not only during my studies, but also when I was with my other classmates. I wondered why I could not speak English so well. At the university, everyone was feeling the same way. Everyone was struggling and trying to start something. I thought tha environment was very important for me.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


If you go a little deeper, it’s not so much that they can’t do something, but rather, in the extreme, everyone can do something. However, they are not aware of it or are not good at it. If you want to excel in your field of expertise, I think it’s important to complement each other with specialists, and to feel like you’re building a team together. I think there are both micro and macro connections with people like that, what do you think?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think you are right. For example, in forest ecology, forests have a scientific aspect, but they also have a social aspect. In satoyama, you can tell at a glance that people have been in the forest recently. The way the trees grow is completely different, so you can tell that people were here a century ago. Now I am facing the people who live in these satoyama and marginalized communities, and I am learning that there is a world that is far away from ISAK and the International Baccalaureate, and I spend my days thinking about how to interact with these people. After all, from their point of view, it’s not just about the IB or the university. They have a completely different set of values, such as how many green peppers they can pick in a day. I feel that it is not enough to just put my past experiences on full display.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


It’s not academic or scholarly, it’s about the real lives of people.

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


So every day in Kinasa, my homestay village, when I help with the farming, I am scolded for my ineptitude. Even when I was harvesting rice, I was told, “You should do more here,” or “Why do you do that first?” In nursery schools and schools, they teach me everything they know, but in farming, it’s more like you have to get used to it than learn it. Don’t ask a lot of questions, just get on with it. I wondered if there was such a thing.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Is it because you wanted to do research on forests that you are in Kinasa?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


When I was looking for a new house on my second day in Nagano City, I was introduced to someone through the Satoyama Utilization Program. He asked me if I would like to stay with him. I said, “Yes, please!” Since the university was originally online, I was not bound by location, so I could be anywhere and everywhere. I had already decided that I would study forest ecology at university. I also think that it’s fate that I was homestaying in Kinasa. As my aikido teacher said, aikido is not about what your opponent is doing, but about what you are doing right now, and I really feel that this is true.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Has anyone joined Minerva from ISAK?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Every year there are one or two. This year, four people joined.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


How were the entrance exams for Minerva?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


There are three parts to the exam: the first part is to write “basic information”, the second part is to take a quiz-like test, and the third part is to write “six things you have done so far”. The second test is a quiz that asks you to solve a puzzle with a time limit of 10 minutes and you have 8 minutes to summarize your thoughts on this topic. Since I could do it in my own time, I wanted to do it when I was relaxed, so I did it after taking a hot spring bath. I thought I had used up all my luck.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


I heard that the ratio of applicants is high. What do you think is good about it?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


All of my classmates around me say so. I think everyone at the university is humble. Even the professors who excel in their fields do not show off their knowledge, but simply answer even the most basic questions. They all talk about why they were accepted.

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)


Are people who are not the type to be accepted also accepted?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


No, we know the reason when we see each other. I’m sure this person was accepted for this reason. However, there are many cases where the person themselves does not understand.

インタビューの続きはこちら(part2) >>

TOP / Uncategorized / 対談 栗林さんと清水さんPart 1-Conversation between Ms.Kuribayashi and Mr. Shimizu-