

対談 栗林さんと清水さんPart 2-Conversation between Ms.Kuribayashi and Mr. Shimizu-

【清水氏×藤井 保護者からの質問等について】
Mr. Shimizu and Ms. Fujii, regarding questions from parents.


保護者からの質問について。 幼・小・中はIB教育を受けたのか。幼稚園から小学校はどんな子供だったか。

Questions from parents. What kind of children did you have from kindergarten to elementary school? What kind of children were they in kindergarten and elementary school?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I did not receive IB education. In junior high school, I went to an ordinary integrated junior high and high school in Japan. I think I was raised to listen to adults honestly. I really think it is true that early childhood education lays the foundation for this. I think it is good that I am attending this school (ISN).



I was born and raised in Japan and have no plans to go abroad. What do you think about that?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I also went to a domestic high school, but I did IB there. Even if your base is in Nagano, I think it is a great support just to want your child to go to a global environment.



Where did you learn English?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I am still learning. I think the best place to start is high school.



Have you always been involved in foreign languages as a second or third language?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I started to learn foreign languages in junior high school. There were some returnees or people who could speak fluently even though they had only been abroad for two years, but it was not like that, I studied from textbooks at school.



In junior high school, did you take supplementary English lessons or did you take lessons at English conversation schools?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I only took English classes at school. There was no instruction from anyone around me to do this or that.



What made you decide to go to IB in Karuizawa?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


It was the only school I took the entrance exam for. I knew the name of ISAK, but I didn’t know much about IB at that time, and I thought it would be nice to live in a dormitory with people from overseas. I knew about ISAK, but I didn’t know much about IB at that time.



It is encouraging to hear what you just said. Everyone has anxiety when it is their first time, but it is reassuring to hear such a story from someone close to you. If you were to follow someone else, if you were to follow the rails laid out for you, but if you were to do something for the first time on your own, wouldn’t you be worried? Did you get any information to support your feelings?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I felt similar anxiety when I was thinking about my future career, and I talked to my junior high school teacher about the fact that IB would delay my career a bit, asking her how she would feel about a year or two delay. The teacher said, “You have 80 to 100 years to live, so a year or two delay or a small difference in the curriculum won’t matter at all. I really thought that was true. I decided that since I didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, I couldn’t just rely on what I already had. In fact, I think I’ll be okay because there are many patterns that I can manage if I try. What I think the most is that I was trusted a lot. If parents trust their children, then anything is possible, and I don’t feel that my ideal of becoming a global citizen is going in the wrong direction at all. I feel that even if there are many twists and turns, anything can happen. If people trust you, anything is possible.



I believe that my son can take on any challenge as long as he does not lose his life.

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


A classmate of mine once said, “a little scratch means nothing”. I think I am blessed to be able to say this. Being able to take on challenges is only possible with peace of mind in the first place. It was very important to me that I had a place to go back to if everything went wrong. So I think I am blessed.


家族の信頼があることで、迷ったときの気持ちの後押しや、進む勇気になるということ。 家族のベースは海外か。

The trust of your family gives you encouragement and courage to go forward when you feel lost. Is your family based overseas?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Japan. We often say that we wish there was. Overseas is a dream come true.



The IBDP curriculum is very intensive, and unless you have experienced it from an early age, you will find it difficult to keep up with the overcrowding. If you entered the program from high school, what were some of the difficulties you faced and what did you have to work harder at than others? Also, were there any students who dropped out of the program?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)

この質問はきちんと答えなくてはと思っていた。 IBは、3人でやっていくものだと思っている。生徒だけではなく、先生と、大人と、どれが欠けてもなかなかうまくできない。僕は先生がプロフェッショナルだったと思っている。どうやったら伸びるかそれがわかっていたし、多分、子どもも頑張らなければならないと思うし、サポートしていく大人も必要だ。僕の場合、先生がありがたかったのが「常にパーフェクトではなく、だんだん2年間を通して伸ばしていけばいい」という感じで、最初はできなくても、最後にちゃんとできればいいというメッセージがあった。それは成績についても感じていた。それは、高校のDPで6科目とるのだが、僕はアート科目でフィルムをとっていた。映画製作で、最後の1週間までは、ずっと10段階中の5のレベルであったが、次第に、今まで訳の分からなかった事ががようやくわかるようになり、最終的な制作に繋がっていった。だから「分からない状態のままでもOKで、常にわかり続ける必要はない」。それは生徒が思っていていい事だと思う。
例えば「智の理論(Theory of Knowledge,TOK)」というプログラムのがある。いわゆる「知識とは何か」という哲学の一部を、高校生にやらせるのだが、人生経験のない高校生がどうやるのかと思った。先生は答えを教えてくれない。質問を与えて、自分たちで考える手助けをしてくれるのみ。もちろん先生は答えを分かっていて、一番それを言いたいのだけれど、あえて黙って、子供達に考えさせる。その時分からなかったことが、こういうことだったのかと、3、4年経って分かるというのはあるので、高校や学校という、短い時間だけでは測れない事だと思う。その後、その後で生きてくるので、長期の目で見て欲しいと思う。子どもの場合は「頑張る」。親の言う事を聞く。そして周りに頼る。あまり心配せずに、きちんと頑張っていれば結果は出てくる。先生は、知識や経験がきちんとある先生が良いかと思う。
また、IBだけが選択肢だとは全然思っていない。IBは、体育やアートをないがしろにすると思う。中高生は、体を動かすのが大事だと思うし、IBはやることが沢山あるので、全く伸び伸び出来なくなってしまうとも思う。自分達で選べるようなことまで、考えさせられる事も多いけれども、手に負えなくなってしまうかもしれない。それだったら、他の高校生を見ていても、それこそ野球などのスポーツに打ち込むとか、そういう普通の青春を送るというのも良いとも思うし、あるいは、もしアカデミックに興味があるなら、関連した公立の高校もあるので、そういうところで経験を積むのも良いと思う。先ほどの話にあった「長野にいながらグローバルにしたい」という事情があれば、IBという選択肢もそうなのかなと思うし、子供がやりたいことをやらせて、色んな選択肢を広げるのもあるなと思った。落第した人はいなかったかについては、落第というか、成績が足りなかった場合は、自動的にIB certificateというのが別に貰えるので、その点は心配しなくても良いと思う。

I felt I had to answer this question properly. I believe that the IB is a three-person effort. Not only the students, but also the teachers and the adults, and it’s hard to do well without any of them. I think the teacher was a professional and knew how to help the child grow, and I think the child needs to work hard and needs an adult to support him/her. In my case, my teacher was grateful for the message that “it’s not always about being perfect, but about gradually improving over the course of two years,” and that even if I couldn’t do it at first, it was okay if I could do it right at the end. I felt the same way about my grades. In high school, we had to take six DP subjects, and I took film as an art subject. Up until the last week of filmmaking, I had been at a level of 5 out of 10, but gradually I began to understand things that I hadn’t understood before, which led me to the final production. So, it is OK to remain in a state of not understanding, and it is not necessary to always continue to understand. I think it is okay for students to think that.
What adults, or rather parents, should be thinking is that it is not necessary to always get good grades. IB is a very serious subject, so there is no need to be depressed if you get a very low grade. So I want you to keep in mind that you don’t always have to be at the top. I think this is quite important. Because I think IBDP is very difficult.
For example, there is a program called “Theory of Knowledge” (TOK). I wondered how a high school student with no life experience could do it. The teacher doesn’t give them the answers. He just gives them questions and helps them think for themselves. Of course, the teacher knows the answer and wants to say it, but she dares to keep quiet and let the children think. There are times when you find out after three or four years what you didn’t understand at that time, so I think it’s something that cannot be measured in a short period of time, such as high school or school. It will come into play later on, so I would like you to look at it from a long-term perspective. In the case of children, they should do their best. Listen to your parents. And rely on others. Don’t worry too much, as long as you do your best, the results will come. I think it is better to have a teacher who has good knowledge and experience.
Also, I don’t think IB is the only option at all; I think IB neglects physical education and art. I think it’s important for junior and senior high school students to be physically active, and I think that IB will make it impossible for them to stretch themselves because there are so many things to do. There are so many things to do in IB that I don’t think they will be able to stretch themselves at all. They will be forced to think about things that they can choose to do on their own, but it may become too much for them to handle. If that’s the case, looking at other high school students, I think it would be a good idea for them to devote themselves to sports such as baseball, or to have a normal youth, or if they are interested in academics, there are related public high schools where they can gain experience. If there is a circumstance where the child wants to be global while staying in Nagano, as I mentioned earlier, I think the IB option might be the way to go, and let the child do what he or she wants to do to expand the variety of options. As for whether there were any students who flunked out of school, I don’t think there is any need to worry about that, because if you flunked out, or if your grades were not good enough, you will automatically receive another IB certificate.



You mentioned that there were many people with tough mentalities, but were there any people who said that they didn’t fit in, or that they were retiring and going back, or that they wanted to go in a different direction after the experience?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


There were a lot of kids who had mental breakdowns. I wonder now if they make high school students do this much. I think it is quite severe. I think the only way to get through this is to be determined and to have the guts and energy to do it.



About online learning. In the past few years, the world has become a place where children can choose to learn through monitors. What do you think about the risk that children will be quite deficient in communication without a sense of presence and real experience?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


I think it is very important to connect with people. I think it is also very important that I came to Nagano and have a professor from Shinshu University as my online mentor. I feel that university students and young children have a different affinity for online activities. As a university student, I can talk to people online, but as a toddler, I think it would be better to have some work to do, such as drawing pictures with friends or playing with toys. If the school is closed, I still think it would be good for the children to go outside to play or something.



What about the good-luck meal ?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Miso soup and natto.



What is your favorite food in Shinshu?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


Kinasa’s oyaki. Iroha-do’s oyaki pumpkin.(※4)
(※4)Oyaki Nagano Local Specialty- is a Japanese dumpling made from a fermented buckwheat dough wrapped around a stuffing of Japanese vegetables, or anko (Japanses red sweet beans), and then roasted on a pan.
(It is cited from Guest House KURA,Ms.Marina Yamakami, Mr.Jukia. https://www.ghkura.com/. https://ghkura.naganoblog.jp/e1800497.html)



What is your favorite quote?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)

※宇宙兄弟シャロンの名言「迷ったときはね どっちが正しいかなんて考えちゃダメ。『どっちが楽しいか』で決めなさい」

I like “Space Brothers”, and the quote, “When in doubt, think with your heart, not your head.”
※ This is a quote by Ms.Sharon, who appears in “Space Brothers,” a work by manga artist Chuya Koyama. “When in doubt, don’t think about which one is right. When in doubt, don’t think about which is right, but decide based on which is more fun.”



What was your favorite book as a child?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)

「ともだちは海のにおい」(工藤 直子・長 新太)。今は読む時間が全然ないのだが、IBで日本の古典の川端康成なども嗜んだ。とても良かったと思う。

Tomodachi wa Umi no Nioi (My Friend is the Smell of the Sea) by Naoko Kudo and Shinta Naga. I don’t have time to read them now, but I also enjoyed Japanese classics such as Yasunari Kawabata in IB. I think it was very good.



Lastly, what do you think about ISN?

-清水氏(-Mr. Shimizu)


In the lessons at ISN, the students really stretched themselves, and it was as if they were in a foreign country. I hope that they will keep the freedom they have developed in their childhood and spread their wings. The children are so lucky to have such generous support from the adults around them.

【栗林園長 対談感想】
Ms. Kuribayashi’s Thoughts on the Dialogue

-栗林園長(-Ms. Kuribayashi)
彼が言うように、小さなころから持っている自分らしさをそのまま育ませてもらえたから、自由な探究ができる感謝の気持ちが芽生えたのだと思う。「小さなころから自分らしくいるための環境を、周りの大人たちが一生懸命整えた」ことが素晴らしさだと感じた。ISN の子どもたちの成長になぞらえて話を聞かせてもらうことができ、意義のある時間を過ごせた。

As he says, he was allowed to nurture his own identity from a young age, and I think that’s why he developed an appreciation for the freedom to explore. I felt that the wonderful thing was that “the adults around me did their best to create an environment where they could be themselves from a young age. It was very meaningful for me to hear the story of the ISN children, comparing it to their growth. It was a meaningful time for me.


TOP / Uncategorized / 対談 栗林さんと清水さんPart 2-Conversation between Ms.Kuribayashi and Mr. Shimizu-