
Shimauchi Preschool



In our unit of inquiry 2, we are learning about ourselves, the people around us and on how to be open-minded. To elaborate what being different is, we discussed the types of colors, sang Rainbow song, and listened to stories about colors.🌈 Also, we did “My Favorite Color” activity. We asked them to choose only one color that they really like and color the crayon on the paper. It’s quite interesting because most of them chose blue and purple. After they finished their activity, we asked them in groups to present their activities in front of the class and practiced saying “my favorite color is ____________!” We also differentiate their favorite color among their friends. We let them think and be open-minded knowing that some of their friends have different favorite color, and they said it’s okay to be different… Well done!🌼

UOI2 の中で、自分の事、自分の周りの人の事(友達、先生、家族など)を知り、”Open-minded” 自分をさらけ出し他を受け入れる心、偏見のない心を育てます。好きな色について、「Rainbow song」を歌ったり、「A Colour of His Own」という絵本を見て色について話し合ったりしました。自分の一番好きな色を決めてワークシートに描いてあるクレヨンに色を塗りました。ほとんどの子が青と紫を選んでいた事には少し興味深かったですが、塗り終わった後はみんなの前で『My favorite is 〇〇(私の一番好きな色は〇〇です。)』と言い発表してもらいました。「好きな色が一緒の子もいれば違う子もいるけど違っていてもいい?」という問いかけにも、みんな「It’s okay!」と答えていました。

To test our little ones ability to make connection and know if they are familiar with the people around them, we did “Finding the same Color” activity. Each student chose a color they like and we asked them to go around and find the other half or look for their friend who’s holding the same color. When they found their partner, we asked them in front of the class to cite the color and their friend’s name. We’re happy that everyone can now recognize the people around them!👫🏻


This month, we celebrated the “Family Day”! This special event shows family values and importance of having a quality time with our loved ones. As part of the celebration, our youngsters made a very special craft– a tissue box cover made with love for their beloved family! Here’s a glimpse of how they made it!✨

今年は、母の日がGWと重なっていたので父の日との間をとり5月29日を″Family Day″のしました。Family dayというのは、お父さん、お母さん、兄弟、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん、犬、猫など一緒に住んでいる人たちに大好きだよって伝える日とお話をしました。家族みんなで使えるようにテッシュボックスカバーです。好きな色を3色選んでもらい染紙にすると「きれい♡」と子ども達も作っている段階から出来上がりに期待を持っていました。ぜひ、ご家庭で使ってください。Happy Family Day!!

In our phonics and writing lesson, we are almost done with phonics C and D. For the letter C, we did “picture puzzle” activity in groups and we asked each group to show what they’ve made out of the pieces of puzzles.🧩 Wonderful!!!🌟


For the letter D, we learned the sound and words that start with it. We also practiced tracing upper and lowercase letter Dd. It was still quite hard for some of them, but they did their very best to trace the letter! And for some, their fine motor skills are great! Most of them already have the strength to write and hold a pencil properly.✍🏻 Good job!
We– in Canyon class are still doing various activities which can help our youngsters to develop their fine motor skills!⭐


We are getting closer to our bus trip!✨ As a part of the preparation, we started practicing taking a walk around the school yard! Our young ones are very mindful with regards to our rules when we go for a walk such as:

  • We do not run.
  • We do not jump.
  • We do not pickup anything on the ground.
  • We do not touch anything around us.
  • We do not make big gaps.
  • We focus, look in front, and walk nicely in a one straight line.
  • When we hear the whistle, we need to stop.

After 2 days of practicing, our little ones showed us that they are principled– they can follow their teachers’ instructions and do it well! We were impressed, Canyon!!!👏🏻


Have a good weekend everyone!💖


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / RESPECTING OUR DIFFERENCES- Canyon May 23rd-27th