
Shimauchi Preschool


Summer fun continues SV/RF

We bid yet another farewell to one of our friends as she moves to a new country with her family. We will remember her cheerful greetings and beautiful smiles! 


The children love using the puppet stand to tell stories about insects and letting their imaginations soar. Some needed a bit of help, while some like to take things at their own pace. These two weeks the children have enjoyed their playtime at school in between the Obon holiday. A lot of children shared their experiences during the Obon and the quality time they spent with their families. 

人形劇用のスタンドを使い、自分たちの想像力を膨らませ、色々な昆虫についてのお話をするのが大好きです。少し助けが必要な子もいれば、自分のペースで物事を進めるのが好きな子もいます。この 2 週間、子どもたちはお盆休みを挟みつつ、学校でも楽しく遊んでいました。みんなはお盆休み中の楽しかった体験や家族と過ごした充実した時間をクラスみんなと共有してくれました。

Some children were born to love the messiness in mud play while some stay away from it. Nonetheless, it was fun to be out and roamed around the mud. We hope more children will grow to love this precious experience in the limited time we have left this summer.


As we geared up in our preparation for the Sports Festival, the children made their superhero shields during workstation. Each one is unique and special in their own way and we cannot wait to decorate the gym with these fun crafts. 私たちはスポーツフェスティバルに向けて準備を進めています。今週はワークステーションでスーパーヒーローの盾を作りました。それぞれが独自の方法でユニークな盾を作りました。スポフェス当日、みんなの素敵なクラフトで体育館を飾るのが待ちきれません.

As the children continue to learn to blend simple CVC sounds during the phonic and writing lessons, the better the children will be able to recognize and read words. During workstation, we have also been having fun with math lessons and activities that reinforce fine motor skills. Look at what insects the children made with playdough! 

フォニックスとライティングのレッスンでは、CVC単語について学んでいます。CVC単語とは、三つの文字からなる短い単語で、「子音・母音・子音」というパターンで並んでいるものです。単純な CVC単語の 音をブレンドすることを学び続けるにつれて、言葉をよりよく認識して読むことができるようになります。ワークステーション中は、算数のレッスンや微細運動能力を強化する活動も楽しんでいます。みんなが粘土で作った昆虫を見てください!

These two weeks we continued to observe and study other mini beasts, such as snails, cicadas, worms, pill bugs, and grasshoppers, just to name a few. The children were excited as we discovered something new with each of them.  They also are getting better at asking questions pertaining to the bugs or minibeasts we have been studying. We are so glad to see them becoming more of an inquirer and thinker in the process of learning!  Our snail friend laid more eggs two week after her first batch of eggs. We are taking extra care to make sure we see some baby snails hatch in the near future.  

Storytime is always fun to learn more of things the children are curious about. They ask questions before and after the reading and have a discussion to understand the main point of the story. This is also a great time to gain more comprehension on things and share their perspectives. 


We have been practicing how to evaluate and pay attention to which Learner Profile traits we have observed of our friends. The children are getting better at pointing out what kind of learner their friends exhibited on a daily basis. We hope with time, they will be able to do this independently, thus encouraging them to be a better learner themselves. 


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