
Shimauchi Preschool


Summer's Special: How to care for your pet beetle

Whether you got the beetle from your school, pet shop, or other places. This blog will highlight the steps and provide you the tips of taking care of adult beetles. Most of the materials can be obtained from 100yen shop or home center.

First you need a breeding case, you can get those in any home center or pet shop. Please make sure that your case is big enough to keep the beetle, also be sure it is a type that will keep the air inside humid.

Next, you need the mat (bug bedding) or soil for the beetle to crawl around and hide under the soil (They sometimes sleep under the soil). We recommended the deodorant mat which helps to prevent any stinky smells from the beetle.

Thirdly, get the insect jelly (It comes with different flavors, such as black sugar, fruits and protein) and food dishes. The beetle food dishes it helps to keep the beetle jelly from spilling onto the bedding. Remember to change the jelly frequently.

Then, get the decaying branches and leaves. These help the beetle to feel natural in the environment and gives them a place to hide. Feel free to find your favorite shapes of branches. Be sure that your branches can’t be too close to the lid of the case so that they won’t reach the lid and escape.

Beetles are easily dehydrated during summer time, it is also recommended to use the beetle humidifier, spray once every 3 days to keep the bedding moist.

If you have follow the steps, your breeding case should look something like these:

LASTLY, put your beetle in the case and watch them discovering their new home. Be sure that only one male beetle is allowed in one case because 2 males will fight with each other to death for food and territory (except a pair of male and female).

Here are some facts and tips about beetles, specially kabutomushi:
-They only live up to 2 to 5 months.
-They are nocturnal, active at night.
-They do not poop, so there is no need to clean the bedding frequently (change the mat/bedding once every 2 months, ideally).
-Male has horns and female doesn’t.
-They might make noises at night, refrain from putting the case in your bedroom.
-They prefer dark places, do not put them under the direct sunlight.
-Do not shake the breeding case.

Taking care of beetles will teach our kids to be responsible and giving them opportunity to show love to our pet. We hope these tips helped and able to prepare you before you get a beetle. Thank you for reading. Below are the beetles raised by our teacher.

This blog brought to you by beetle’s lover of ISN.

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