
Shimauchi Preschool



Safety is being protected from harmful accidents. People can prevent accidents by following safety measures. Safety measures involve knowing when an accident might take place and then taking steps to avoid it from happening.✨
This week we conducted a special Earthquake Drill in our campus. To begin with, we explain to our little ones what an “earthquake” is and what are the safety precautions to follow when it occurs.🏫
There are rules to follow when there is an earthquake. The first is: DROP, COVER, & HOLD ON. Drop to the ground or from where you are, then Cover your head and neck with your arm and hand, and Hold on until shaking stops.
The second rule is: O, HA, SHI, MO.
-do not push your friends.
-do not run.
-do not talk.
-do not come back.


Thank you to all the parents who cooperated in our drill! Your time and effort are very much appreciated… We are always looking after the safety of our little ones!🙇🏻‍♀🙇🏻‍♂

We came to the end of our unit of inquiry 1… as a review, we assessed further learnings of our young ones about what is being “principled” and their roles at school. We were so surprised and encouraged to hear their ideas! Our youngsters told us that being principled is being responsible like: do not push your friend, do not jump while on the line, do not stand up and walk around if the teacher is talking in front, do not take your friend’s toy, sit nicely, and make a nice line. Thank you for sharing your knowledge to our class, Canyon!👏🏻
As a part of the lesson, we asked our dear parents to take a picture of them showing their role at home. All pictures were amazing! Thank you for your support in our discussion, parents! Our little ones decorated and presented their roles at school and home in front of the class. We also practiced saying “my roles are ______“. Well done!!!🤩

UOI(探求の流れ)1のまとめに入りました。スクールでの自分の役割をすると同時にクラスでの約束事や過ごし方を学んでいる中、“Principled”~自分が正しいと思った考えを話したり、行動ができる人~とは何かを改めて子ども達に聞いてみました。″お友達を押さない″、″列に並んでいるときにジャンプしない″、″先生が前で話しているときに立って歩かない″、″お友達のおもちゃを取らない″、″きちんと座る″、″一列に並ぶ″などなど、たくさんの意見が聞けて、子ども達が思う″Pricipled”が聞けてとても驚き嬉しかったです!レッスンの一環として、お家での子ども達の役割も写真に撮ってきていただきました。”my roles are __.” 「私の役割は○○です」とみんなの前で発表をし、お家ならではの役割に子ども達も興味津々でお友達の発表を聞く事が出来ました。ご協力ありがとうございました。

This month, we learned new phrases such as: can I have it please, here you are, and thank you!🌟 To easily remember these phrases, we sang “Can I have a Ball, Please?” song.

今月のフレーズである、 Can I have it please「これください。」、 Here you are「はい、どうぞ。」 Thank you!「ありがとう!」 では、日常で使える回数も多く、覚えやすいです。 “Can I have a Ball, Please?” のフレーズソングも歌っています。お家でも、一緒に歌ってみてください。↑上にリンク貼ってあります↑

In our writing and phonics lesson, we are studying letter C and its sound. For our activities, we had a group activity wherein the students identified and found the words that begin with letter /c/. Also, we did a Caterpillar activity.🐛 They chose the color of the colored tissue they want, ripped it off, made a small ball out of the tissue paper, and pasted it on the body of the caterpillar to form a letter C. For the caterpillar’s face, they drew its eyes. We came up to this kind of activity because our little ones loved watching small caterpillars moving on the plants during our outside play!🐛 Everyone was so happy and excited!⭐

writing と phonicsのレッスンでは、″C″について学びました。グループに分かれて″C″から始まる単語を一緒に探したり、 好きな色のお花紙をちぎって丸めて″C″の形をした青虫の身体に貼り付けました。外遊びで青虫を見つけて喜んで観察していた子ども達をみてこの活動を思いつきました!個性あふれるオリジナルのカラフルな青虫が出来上がり子ども達も大喜びでした。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / SAFETY RULES ARE YOUR BEST TOOLS- Canyon May 9th-13th