
Shimauchi Preschool


THINK RIGHT, DO RIGHT!- Canyon April 25th-28th

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Hi everyone!✨
This week, we strived to be “principled”. We assessed if we are doing the right thing or following the rules correctly in the class. We let our youngsters think if running around and screaming in the classroom are okay and they said, “no!” and that they have to be “quiet” in the classroom. It’s good that they are now reflecting on themselves! As part of the lesson, we played “the floor is lava” game. We set the rules using green and red signs. Green means GO and red means STOP. Everybody had fun playing, dancing, and most importantly, learning how to follow rules.🚫✅

みなさん、こんにちは!今週私達は、IB学習者像”Learner Profile(どのような人になって欲しいか)”の一つである【Principled 信念を持つ人】自分が正しいと思った考えを話し、行動し正しい選択が出来るようになるために、~どうやってクラスでの約束事を守ったり正しい事をするのか~について話し合いました。子ども達に、クラスの部屋の中で走ったり大きな声で叫んだりしてもいいのかと考えてもらうと、走ることに対して、みんなの考えは『No!』『お友達とぶつかっちゃう』『危ない』と言う答えが返ってきてくれました。大きな声や叫ぶことに対しても、『No』でもなぜ?の問いかけにはなかなか理由が聞けず、『大きい声で叫ぶと回りの人は耳が痛くなっちゃうよ。』『小さい声でもみんなのお話がよく聞こえるよ。』と伝えました。ルールを守ろうという事で、”The Floor Is Lava 床が熱々だ”というゲームをしました。赤は止まれ、緑は進めのサインと説明をし音楽に合わせて椅子の回りをダンスをしながら進んだり止まったり、「The floor is lava!!」と聞こえると足が床に着かないように椅子に座って足を上げるなど体を動かしながら楽しみました。

Training our young ones to become independent is one of our greatest goal in our Canyon class. We always encourage them to try changing their clothes by themselves. Our little ones are fast learners! In our UOI, we asked them why is it important to change their clothes on their own and if they still ask their mommy/daddy and teachers to help them. They said “No. Because we are Canyon students now and we are already big boys and big girls!” We’re so proud to hear that! To begin with our activity, we watched a video that showed the proper way of putting on clothes. We also asked some students to demonstrate it in front so their friends can see the right way on how to put on/take off, fix inside-out and fold their clothes. As a reward, our youngsters got a medal! Well done!🌟

LOI1(Lines Of Inquiry)、探求目標1であるMy roles at school(responsibility)スクールでの自分の役割(責任)の一貫で、服の着脱と畳み方を子ども達と一緒にやってみました。『なんで、自分でやるの?お母さんやお父さん、先生に手伝ってもらえばいいんじゃない?』と言う問いかけに、『だって、もうお兄さんお姉さんだもん!!』ととても頼もしい答えが返ってきてくれました。ビデオで服の正しい着方を見たり、子ども達に前に出てきてもらい服の着脱、裏表の直し方、服の畳み方を実践して見せたりしました。自分で出来たみんなにかっこいいメダルをプレゼント!!やったね!!

In our phonics and writing lesson, we are still learning letters A, B and its sounds. To make our discussion more interesting and fun, we used play dough to trace the uppercase letters A and B! It was their first time using it so we gave some regulations to follow such as: do not mix it with their friend’s playdough, do not put it in their mouth, do not roll the playdough on the table and floor. After tracing the letters, our young ones had a chance to show their creativity side by making an elephant, alligator, banana, apple, car, snail, snake, anpanman, baikinman, etc. This activity’s objective is to develop our youngsters’ fine mtor skills! Playdough is fantastic for building those small muscles!⭐

Phonics とWriting では、粘土でAとBの文字を作りました。A/Bの音を言いながら作ったりphonics の音楽を聴きながら楽しみました。ここでも約束事です!お友達と粘土を共有しない、口に入れない、床とテーブルの上で直接遊ばず粘土板の上で遊ぶ事をみんなと確認しました。ルールを守りながら、残りの時間は自分の好きな物を作って遊びました。粘土は、指先運動や想像力を培う事にとても特化した遊具の一つです。みんな上手に形を作り、ゾウやカタツムリ、バナナやリンゴ、アンパンマンやバイキンマンなどを作って思い思いに楽しみました。

Children’s day is coming! Our little ones prepared a cute koinobori craft which symbolizes courage and strength! Here’s a glimpse of how they made it!🎏


Two of our dear students turned 4 this month!🎈 They enjoyed their birthday party together with their friends! We sang a happy birthday song and gave them a birthday card! They loved it and they were so happy about their present! Happy birthday!!!🥳


Have a safe and wonderful holidays everyone!!!✨



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / THINK RIGHT, DO RIGHT!- Canyon April 25th-28th