
Shimauchi Preschool


Clean-up Drive Activity: Canyon/Savanna Mar. 7-11

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading last week’s blog! Now let me share with you how we spent our days this week.


On Monday, Canyon/Savanna class did the final assessment for the Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organise Ourselves which is a Clean-up Drive Activity. This is for the students to apply the knowledge they have learned in this unit. They started cleaning in our classroom by making sure that their lockers are tidy, tables and chairs are properly arranged, and toys are all in their proper places. Then, we went outside and took a walk to the shrine and area where they always play. Along the way, they picked up the trash they could see. To make sure not to catch germs, they wore gloves and had a plastic bag to put the trash they got. Great job, everyone!

月曜日、Canyon/Savannaクラスは「Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organise Ourselves」「教科の枠を超えたテーマ:私たちは自分たちをどう組織しているのか」の最終評価として、 清掃活動を行いました。これは、子どもたちがこのユニットで学んだ知識を応用するためのものです。教室の掃除は、ロッカーが片付いているか、机と椅子がきちんと配置されているか、おもちゃはすべて定位置にあるか、などを確認することから始めました。その後、外に出て、いつも遊んでいる神社やエリアまで散歩をしました。途中、目についたゴミを拾っていました。雑菌が入らないように、手袋をして、ビニール袋にゴミを入れてもらいました。みんな、よく頑張りましたね

On Tuesday, our class made a craft for the celebration of White Day this coming March 14. This is to give back to the sweets they got on Valentine’s Day. They watched the teacher mixed the necessary ingredients for making the DIY (Do It Yourself) bath bomb and they chose the color and shape they want to create. They also drew on the paper used in making the gift wrap. Everyone was amazed with the sample made by the teacher and watched it dissolve in the water!


In Math, they had fun with our writing number game. We had two teams, Red and Blue, and each member must be able to write the number told by the teacher. They were so competitive that they could write the number on the board really fast and correctly.


In Phonics, we continued to practice reading CVC words /u/ sound as in cup, cut, mug, bug, hug, mum, run, bun, sun, mud, and bus.

フォニックスでは、cup, cut, mug, bug, hug, mum, run, bun, sun, mud, busのようなCVC単語の/u/の音を読む練習を続けました。

We were able to go to the gym for the first time in a while and enjoyed the activities. There were two friends who had never been to a gym class before, but they all enjoyed running around as much as they could. In addition to the usual gym class, we also played hula hoop today. They were able to experience various hula hoop activities, such as spinning the hula hoop, chasing the rolling hula hoop, and jumping into the hoop.


That’s all for this time! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!

今回は以上です! いつもブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます!素敵な週末をお過ごしください。

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