
Shimauchi Preschool


More Friends, More Fun! Canyon/Savanna Feb. 21-25

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading our blog last week. Now, here’s what we have done this week!


We are all happy to finally see most of our students back to school and do our regular routines face-to-face. We are also excited to meet our new friend next week. It’s always fun to have more friends in school. The more, the merrier!


In UOI lesson, we continue to learn about the importance of keeping our classroom neat and tidy. We watched a video of the story “Christopher, Please Clean Up Your Room”. It is about a boy who doesn’t like cleaning his room until lots of cockroaches plan to attack and scare him just to clean his room. He got very scared and learned his lesson to keep his room clean all the time.

UOIレッスンでは、引き続き、教室をきちんと整理整頓することの大切さを学びました。Christopher, Please Clean Up Your Room “という物語のビデオを観ました。このお話は、部屋の掃除が嫌いな男の子が、部屋を掃除するためにたくさんのゴキブリに襲われて、脅かされる。というお話です。彼はとても怖がり、自分の部屋をいつもきれいにしておくという教訓を学びました。

Canyon/Savanna students practiced reading CVC words /o/ such as jog, log, dog, fox, box, hot, and mop. They are doing better in blending sounds now.

Canyon/Savanna の子ども達は、jog, log, dog, fox, box, hot, and mop などのCVC単語 /o/ を読む練習をしました。音を混ぜることが上手にできるようになりました。

In Writing, they traced letters Rr, Ss, their names, and number 12. They are showing lots of improvement in writing letters and numbers.

Writingでは、Rr, Ssという文字と自分の名前、そして数字の12をなぞりました。文字や数字の書き方がとても上達しています。

We had Music class too. They are practicing singing the song “Daisukina Pan” and how to play it using the pianica without using the hose. They raise their right hand to practiced the keys MI RE DO, MI RE DO, MI MI, RE RE, DO MI DO. Then, they practiced it in their pianica. When you have time at home, please try playing the song using their pianica with the hose. Your children will surely enjoy it.


Our boys and girls had so much fun with our outdoor activities. They love jogging, running, and pretending to be chased by zombies. They also enjoyed the jump rope activity and games like Mr. Wolf.


On Tuesday, they made a paper plate letter holder craft which they will give to Rainforest students as a present for their graduation. They decorated the plate with their drawings and cut out shapes using origami paper. Hope you’ll like it, Rainforest friends!


That’s it for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a nice weekend!


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