
Shimauchi Preschool


The celebration continues RF 11/1

This week we welcomed a new friend to our class. The children showed their warm welcome by inviting him to play together. Some children showed caring acts by showing and guiding him through the daily routines and bringing him along during the activities. We hope him will feel at home as he continues to learn the routines and swing of things in ISN.


The children continued to learn about the new year celebration during UOI lesson this week. They learned of the traditional celebrations and symbols of the Japanese New Year. From the door decorations to the new year’s food of osechi, kagami mochi, and soba, and the games. The children were mostly excited when they made the traditional Japanese New Year games! They had a chance to play with the Acorn Tops and the Hagoita braket right after they drew pictures of famous Japanese symbols. Among the drawings were, Mt. Fuji sunrise, Daruma, Tokyo Tower, and Ikebana, all of them looked so festive! We hope through these activities and discussions children will gain more understanding about the new year celebrations in Japan and around the world. 


While playing at the park this week, the children wanted to visit the goldfish pond.  It has been three months since we last saw the goldfish, the children were excited to see them swimming lively despite the freezing temperatures. Hopefully we will be able to visit them before winter comes.

今週、公園で遊んでいると、子どもたちが金魚の池に行きたいと言い出しました。 3ヶ月ぶりに見る金魚は、気温が低くても元気に泳いでいて、子どもたちは大喜びでした。冬が来る前にまた行けるといいですね。 

The phonic, reading and writing lessons continue to challenge and sharpen the children’s skills. They learned of the tricky Y sound in the phonic lessons, and tried to construct sentences of “If I were…, I would…, It was…”. Some children copied the samples given, some came up with their own unique sentences. They also continued to practice writing the addition equations, and adding up to 10 or 20 during math stations. 

フォニックス・レッスン、リーディング・レッスン、ライティング・レッスンでは、引き続き子どもたちのスキルに挑戦し、磨きをかけています。フォニックス・レッスンでは、難しいYの音を学び、”If I were…, I would…, It was… “の文を作ってみました。与えられたサンプルを真似する子もいれば、自分でオリジナルの文章を考える子もいました。また、算数の時間には、足し算の式を書いたり、10や20までの足し算の練習を続けました。

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