
Shimauchi Preschool


Drawing Emotions:Canyon (Oct.18-22)


Hello everyone! This week, we welcomed a new member in our class! We have been waiting for her and we finally get to see and play with her. Yes, she’s a girl! Welcome to Canyon class, my dear!

皆さん、こんにちは。今週、私たちのクラスに新しいメンバーが加わりました。この子を待っていたのですが、ようやく一緒に遊ぶことができました。そう、彼女は女の子なのです! キャニオンクラスへようこそ

In UOI, we continue to discuss the worksheet we did last week wherein they identified what feelings live inside their house or what feelings they usually feel at home. This time, we talked about what situation causes those feelings and our boys and girls openly shared their feelings to the class. It was easier now for them to tell us and express their feelings.


Then, we had another activity wherein students drew the facial expressions of the feelings happy, angry, surprised, and sad. I was surprised how they drew the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth of the feelings said in each item. Great job!!!


In Phonics, we focused on the letter Y as in yellow, yacht, yolk, yawn, yoga, yarn, and yoyo. They colored those pictures in the paper and practiced writing the uppercase letter Y. Because we missed writing uppercase letter X last week, we found time to finish it this time. Our boys and girls are doing a great job writing their letters. They were able to follow the order of writing the stroke of each letter! Very good!!!

フォニックスでは、Yellow, yacht, yolk, yawn, yoga, yarn, yoyo(黄色、ヨット、卵黄、あくび、ヨガ、毛糸、ヨーヨー)のYに注目し、それらの絵に色を塗り、大文字のYを書く練習をしました。先週、大文字のXを書くことができなかったので、今回はそれを終わらせる時間を作りました。男の子も女の子も、とても上手に文字を書いています。それぞれの文字の一筆書きの順番を守ることができました。とても良いですね。

In Math, we finished writing the number 8. It was a little bit tricky for them because of the curves, but yeah, they could do it!


Everybody got so excited in their Music class! It was their first time to use a pianica. The Music teacher taught them how to open/close it’s case, how to clean it after using, and of course how to use it. The first key they are learning is “DO”. To produce the sound, they have to press the key for DO and blow air into it at the same time. You can also start practicing this at home. I’m sure our children will love doing it!


Temperature is getting colder now, which means it requires more physical activities for our children. Playing at the park or outdoors, going for a walk, and gym class are just perfect activities for our young ones.


Our class has been talking about the 3 Color Food Group: red, yellow, green. We talked about how these food groups help them grow and stay healthy. During lunchtime, we always classify what kind of food we have on our plate and encourage them to eat all those three kinds of food.


That’s it! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!


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