
Shimauchi Preschool


We never get tired of playing to learn! RF

Once the Sports Day is done, we resume the regular gym lessons. Look at how we stretched and challenged our bodies to do the utmost. We love jump rope, playing tag, and running around in the gym! 


During the UOI lessons, we have been talking about how we celebrate our birthdays. The children shared their family traditions and symbols for birthdays. It was quite interesting to learn about how other children celebrated their birthdays. We all celebrated in our unique ways and certainly the most important thing is that we all spent this special day with our families and loved ones.


In addition to the birthday celebration, we also discussed where Halloween comes from, its traditions and symbols. The children made crafts related to the Halloween celebration, among other things, they also created their own Halloween characters. Everyone was so creative in coming up with ideas and made plans on what they wanted to do. The end result was marvelous! Please be on the lookout for some spooky or cute Halloween crafts coming home. 


With the crisp air and clear sky, children couldn’t hide their excitement of more outdoor fun! What is not to love when we can run free in the cooler weather?  This week we resumed the regular run to the big park, and the children had a blast! They only wished that they could stay longer! But no worries, as long as the weather cooperates we shall be back every Monday! 

さわやかな空気と澄んだ空の下、子どもたちは「もっと外で遊びたい!」と興奮を隠せませんでした。涼しい気候の中、自由に走り回れるのは何よりの楽しみです。 今週、私たちはいつものように大きな公園に行ったのですが、子どもたちはとても楽しんでいました。子どもたちは「もっと長くいたい!」と言っていました。お天気が良ければ毎週来たいと思います。

In our phonic lessons, as we concluded Unit 2 the children had a word scavenger hunt challenge. This exercise gave them the opportunity to put all they have learned to test.  They went on a search to find words that have followed the rules of silent E, double consonants, triple sticky letters, vowel teams, and compound words. It was quite a challenge and some children needed extra support, while others thought it was a piece of cake. Wherever they are in this journey of phonic lessons, they all helped each other to achieve their goals and finished the tasks. Now they are ready to march on to the next chapter of their learning journey! The children made a Halloween booklet during the writing lesson. They all worked hard and had a change of scenery from the regular writing exercises. It was not easy, but it is a step forward for sure. 

フォニックスでは、ユニット2の締めくくりとして、子どもたちはワード・スカベンジャー・ハントに挑戦しました。この練習は、これまで学んだことを試す機会となりました。 子どもたちは、サイレントE、二重子音、三つのつながった子音、母音グループ、複合語など、フォニックスのルールに沿った単語を探しに行きました。なかなか難しいチャレンジだったようで、サポートが必要な子もいれば、「楽勝楽勝!」と言う子もいました。このフォニックス・レッスンの旅のどこにいようとも、全員が自分の目標を達成するためにお互いに助け合い、課題を終えました。今、彼らは学習の旅の次の章へと進む準備ができています。 ライティングの授業では、ハロウィンの小冊子を作りました。いつものライティングの練習とは違った雰囲気の中で、みんな一生懸命に取り組んでいました。簡単ではありませんでしたが、確実に一歩前進しました。

As always, the children are encouraged to be creative and work on whatever they like during the free choice time. Some worked together to build a huge house with sticks; some used snap words to make sentences, while others made drones with waffle blocks. Some prefer drawing and coloring or making a craft or two. Whatever the task may be, what they love the most is, as they said, “we never get tired of playing”! Allow me to add, “the children never get tired of playing to learn!”

いつものように、自由遊びの時間には、子どもたちは創造力を発揮して、好きなことに取り組んでいます。みんなで協力して棒で大きな家を作ったり、スナップワードを使って文章を作ったり、ブロックでドローンを作ったりする子もいます。お絵かきや塗り絵をしたり、工作をしたりするのが好きな子もいます。どんなことをしていても、子どもたちが一番好きなのは、「遊んでいて飽きない」ということなのです。私が付け加えるなら、”子どもたちは学ぶために遊ぶことに飽きない “ということです。

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