
Shimauchi Preschool


Our Handmade Photo Frame! (Canyon Sept. 6-10)

手作り写真立てを作ろう (サバンナ、キャニオン 9月6日~10日)

Hello everyone and here we are again to share with you what we did this week!🥰


In UOI, we read the book “VET” and discussed how vets help animals. They learned that vets take care of the animals when they are sick, injured, and to check if they are happy and healthy. I was surprised when two of our girls said that they want to be a vet in the future to help animals! They also completed a worksheet wherein they chose a pet they wanted among the list and asked what they can do to help that pet.😺

UOIでは、”VET “という本を読み、獣医がどのように動物を助けているかについて話し合いました。獣医は、動物が病気や怪我をしたときに世話をしたり、動物が幸せで健康であるかどうかをチェックしたりすることを学びました。将来は獣医になって動物を助けたい」と言った子が2人もいて、驚きました。また、リストの中から好きなペットを選び、そのペットのために何ができるかを問うワークシートにも挑戦しました。

Grandparent’s Day is on September 20th, and Canyon students made a very special and cute present for their dear grandma and grandpa which is a handmade photo frame!🖼 We used a paper clay to create a frame. First, they made a ball and flattened it using the roller. Then, they picked a shape they want for the hole in the center. It could a heart, a star, a bear, a cat, or a dress shape. They painted it with the color they like. Putting the ribbon was not difficult for them because they tied it like how they tie their plastic bags by themselves. Finally, the teacher helped them to tape their picture at the back of the frame. They really love it and excited to give it to their loving grandparents! Hope you’ll like it!🎁


In Phonics, we focused on the letter S as in sun, star, strawberry, snake, scissors, shark, ship, and sheep. They colored the pictures of those words and traced uppercase letter S.


We had a chance to go for a walk, run around, and play with bubble soap. We are glad to see how green the nature is before the peak of Fall season.🌳🍃🍂


We have been practicing more everyday because the day of our Sports Fest is coming very soon.


We also had Music class on Thursday!🎶 


That’s it! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!💕


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