
Shimauchi Preschool


September is here! Canyon (Aug.30-Sept.3)


Hello September and to everyone who is reading our blog!😊 Our boys and girls are all very excited for one of the most awaited events in our school which is the Sports Festival. Though we couldn’t make the parents watch their little cuties perform personally, we’ll make sure that we’ll give our best to show you their best performances! They have been practicing really well and they couldn’t wait to show it to you!🥰

9月に入り、ブログを読んでくださっている皆様、こんにちは! スクールで最も待ち望まれているイベントの一つ、スポーツフェスティバルに向けて、男の子も女の子もとても興奮しています。保護者の皆様には、可愛い子どもたちのパフォーマンスを直接見ていただくことはできませんが、私たちは子どもたちの最高のパフォーマンスをお見せできるように最善を尽くします!!。子どもたちは本当によく練習していて、それを皆さんにお見せするのが待ち遠しいです!

This week, we made our last craft with the theme Olympics and we decided to create an Olympic Wreath which is a symbol of triumph or victory.🌿 They needed to cut 4 pieces of leaves and used some leaves cut by the teacher to decorate the crown. They were very delighted when they tried to wear it after making it!👑

今週は、オリンピックをテーマにした最後のクラフトを作りました。私たちは、勝利のシンボルであるオリンピックリースを作ることにしました。🌿 4枚の葉をカットする必要があり、先生がカットした葉を使って王冠を飾りました。作った後に被ってみると、とても喜んでいました!👑。

In UOI, we just started in our LOI3: Ways we can help animals in our community. To begin with, we watched a video wherein some kids are showing how they take care of their pets. We asked the students what the kids were doing in the video and they were able to say that they were feeding the dog and chicken. We talked about pet animals and asked them to choose what pet they want to have.


In Phonics, we learned about the letter R as in rainbow, rat, rabbit, robot, rose, and rhino. They colored the pictures of those words and traced uppercase R.

フォニックスでは、 rainbow, rat, rabbit, robot, rose, rhino のような R の文字について学びました。それらの単語の絵に色を塗ったり、大文字のRをなぞったりしました。

In Math, we finished writing number 6 and reviewed numbers 1-20 through a simple game that they really liked. Each of them took a number card from the box and told everyone what number they got. When I told them that’s the last number, they said “One more, please!” Don’t worry, we’ll do it again 100 times!😆


We missed walking along the river and the vegetables and flowers we could see on our way! We were surprised to see new plants like chilli pepper 🌶 and soybeans🌿.

川沿いを歩いていると、途中で見られる野菜や花にも注目しました! 唐辛子🌶や大豆🌿などの新しい植物を見て驚きました。

Since playing in the outside pool was over, they finally got a chance again to play in the sandpit and outdoor toy house!🏠


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!💕


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / September is here! Canyon (Aug.30-Sept.3)