
Shimauchi Preschool


Lights, camera, action! RF 7/5-9

We want to give a huge thanks to all the families who have donated the costumes to the class.  Words can not express how grateful we are for your generosity! The children were thrilled when they heard their friends brought in dress-up costumes and they all wanted to give it a try right away! It felt as if the children were backstage getting ready for their grand performance as they tried on the various costumes. We all had a chuckle when we heard the conversation that went on during their free play, it was such a joyful sight! 

クラスにコスチュームを提供してくださったご家族の皆様に、心から感謝申し上げます。 言葉では言い表せないほどの感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。お友達がコスチュームを持ってきてくれたと聞いて、子どもたちは大喜びで、すぐにやってみたいと言いました。まるで舞台裏にいるかのように、様々な衣装を試していました。自由に遊んでいる時の会話はとても微笑ましいもので、楽しい光景でした。

The rainy days have increased the chance of children having free choice play in class. It is lovely to see them working together to build the train sets, make objects with Legos, and putting together a puzzle. Through their imaginations, they came up with scenarios in the dramatic play, whether it’s cooking and having a party together, or playing the doctor’s office. They had more time to construct a masterpiece in their drawings, paintings, or just writing a letter to loved ones. 


We have started the Sports Day preparation these days, the children worked on their ribbon dance and they absolutely loved it! Just look at how exuberant they were as they practiced running with the ribbons. 


This week we also started the UOI unit 2 study and the  children are learning about teamwork in the first part of the unit. Right off the bat they have learned in order to accomplish a task they must work together to achieve this goal. This time they all worked together to pull the strings and lifted a small ball off the ground! 


July brings lots of changes and promotions in our phonic and writing lessons, as well as the morning circle time. We started doing Hold A Sentence where children practiced saying a sentence from the RAZ book that they have been reading, and they wrote the sentence on their own without copying from the board directly. As in phonic lessons, the children started making new words by substituting the beginning letters. They will continue to make longer words as the lessons move on to Unit 2. We also added the Jump Out Word Challenge where the children teamed up to compete and see which team gets the higher points. This has encouraged everyone to challenge each other as they review the words that we have been working on in the past three months.

7月に入り、フォニック・レッスンやライティング・レッスン、そして朝のサークル・タイムにもたくさんの新しいアクティビティーを加えました。まず、ライティングではHold A Sentenceを始めました。これは、今まで読んできたRAZの本に出てくる文章を声に出して覚えるものです。覚えた後、担任のホワイトボードから直接書き写すことなく、自分で文章を書きました。フォニックスのレッスンでは、最初の文字を置き換えて新しい単語を作ることを始めました。次の単元へ進むと、より長い単語を作るようになります。また、Jump Out Word Challengeでは、チームを組んで、どちらのチームがより高いポイントを獲得するかを競いました。これにより、この3ヶ月間に学習した頻出単語を楽しみながら復習することが出来ています。

And finally, as the Olympics approaches in just two weeks, the children learn about the symbol of the Olympics, the games that will be played, and the worldwide athletes compete against each other to reach their goals of obtaining the gold, silver and bronze medals. The children made the Olympic torch in celebration of this significant event as Japan prepares to welcome in this once in a long while phenomenon. 


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Lights, camera, action! RF 7/5-9