
Shimauchi Preschool


Who’s in for some snail fun!? RF 6/14-18

We had a surprise when a child in our class brought three snails that his family had found over the weekend. All the children loved the new addition in our class. They just couldn’t get enough of the slimy sensations from those crawlers! 


We went on a silent nature walk where the children listened to the different sounds while they climbed a hill. Everyone silenced themselves and listened carefully in that one minute.  They shared that they heard sounds that they usually ignored when they were busy talking. It was quite a learning experience. The children also collected some nature items along the way and they used it to create the mandala art during the UOI lesson.

自然の中を静かに歩くアクティビティーでは、子どもたちは1分間坂道をおしゃべりせずに登り、さまざまな音に耳を澄ませました。 普段は聞き流していた音が聞こえてきたことについてみんなで話し合い、すばらしい体験学習の時間になりました。 また、子どもたちは途中で自然のアイテムを集め、UOIのレッスンでマンダラを作るのに使いました。

In the phonic lesson, the children worked in pairs to find out which vowel “O” sounds that their words belonged to. They had a discussion and presented it to the class. It was awesome to see them working together and figured out the sounds on their own.  


This week during UOI we continued to talk about making responsible decisions that help us stay healthy and strong. We started off by awarding everyone with the medals they have earned from the staying strong challenges. We also discussed ways we can stay active by doing some fun exercises. The children danced and moved to the Dinosaur exercise clips, it was so much fun! They also learned one of the activities that can help us relax is to have a regular sleep routine. Aside from that they brainstormed some other activities, such as: doing some Yoga or meditation, painting a picture, reading a book, taking a walk in the forest, or listening to music. These were just some of the great activities that they have came up with. 

今週のUOIでは、強く健康な体を保つためにどのようなことが出来るかについて引き続き探究しています。まず、Stay Strongチャレンジ(鉄棒にぶら下がれるか、ブランコを一人でこげるか等にチャレンジしました)で獲得したメダルを全員に授与しました。また、楽しいエクササイズをすることで、アクティブに過ごす方法についても話し合いました。子どもたちは、恐竜のエクササイズ動画に合わせて踊ったり動いたり、とても楽しく体を動かしていました。また、リラックスするためには、規則正しい睡眠をとることが大切だと学びました。他にも、ヨガや瞑想をする、絵を描く、本を読む、森の中を散歩する、音楽を聴くなど、様々な活動を行いました。これらは、彼らが思いついた素晴らしい活動のほんの一部です。

Last but not least, the children always love the weekly tennis class and do their best everytime in the practices. This is how we stay active and healthy!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Who’s in for some snail fun!? RF 6/14-18