
Shimauchi Preschool


New Class, New Circle of Friends! (Canyon April 6-10)

Hello everyone and welcome to Canyon class! This school year, Ms. Fronielyn and Ms. Miyuki are the Homeroom Teachers of Canyon class and we have a total of 7 students. We are glad to have your children in our class and we are excited to do lots of fun activities with them!

皆さんこんにちは。キャニオンクラスへようこそ! 今年度は、Ms. Fronielynと Ms. Miyukiがキャニオンクラスの担任を務めさせていただきます。一年間宜しくお願いします。クラスは現在7人のお友達がいます。これからキャニオンさん達と 、楽しい経験がたくさん出来ることを楽しみにしています♬

Since this is their first time being here in Shimauchi campus, we had a quick tour around the campus like where to find the toilet, which is the playing area, and reminded them some of the rules to follow when playing.


This week our boys and girls had a lot of time mingling with their new group of friends. We took a walk to the Shrine where we found a big cherry blossom tree and lots of flowers along the way. We explained to them that those flowers are a sign of Spring season.


Canyon students also enjoyed playing in the schoolyard! We have a big sandpit in here and an outdoor playhouse. Catching the soap bubbles are also very fun for our boys and girls!


We also taught Canyon students how to brush their teeth properly and independently. The teacher leads them and counts to 10 to brush each side of their upper and lower teeth. It will be great if they can also practice it at home.

ランチの後は、自分で歯磨きをする練習をします。 先生が見本を見せて、上の歯(upper teeth)、下の歯(lower teeth) と歯ブラシをずらしながら、各箇所10回ずつ磨く練習をしています。みんな上手にMs Fronielynの真似をしています。お家でも是非やってみてくださいね。

This week is also the perfect time to start the Pre-writing practice for our students. They practiced tracing vertical, horizontal, and zigzag lines. We are using a triangular pencil that has the guides on how to hold it properly. There is a picture of daddy, mommy, and brother which they are supposed to hold with their daddy, mommy, and brother fingers. We want them to learn the proper way of holding pencil as early as possible for them to be ready in writing letters and numbers.


We’ll include in the blog all the activities and lessons we are doing every week to keep you updated. Thank you for reading Canyon’s weekly blog! Have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / New Class, New Circle of Friends! (Canyon April 6-10)