
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon September 24-27

Hello, Canyon families!
This week we had our assessment on our last UOI lesson for the Unit 2 which is about 3 Rs- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. There were 3 boxes and 3 pictures, and they would identify which picture shows the act of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Among the 3 Rs, Reduce was the easiest for them that they were able to identify the picture quickly and correctly.
今週は3 Rs- Reduce(使う量を減らす), Reuse(再利用), Recycle(リサイクル)に関する、ユニット2最後のアセスメントをしました。3つの箱と3つの絵を使って、どの絵が「使う量を減らす」、「再利用」、「リサイクル」を表すのか識別しました。3つの中で、Reduce(使う量を減らす)が一番わかりやすかったようで、すばやく認識することが出来ました。
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In phonics, we studied about the letter Ww as in wolf, wrench, worm, and whale. We tried to find letter W in their names and we found two Ws!
フォニックスの学習では、今週はWwの文字について学習し、Wから始まる、wolf(オオカミ)、 wrench(レンチ)、worm(芋虫)、whale(くじら)という言葉を覚えました。キャニオンのお友達の名前の中からWを探して、2人のお友達の名前にWが入っていることに気がつきました。

The weather was fine the whole week, so Canyon was able to have fun and play with their friends in our school playground.
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Finally, we will have our Sports Festival tomorrow! All our students are very excited to showcase what they’ve got and practiced for more than a month! See you all tomorrow and we’re sure that you will all be proud to your children and will enjoy this event!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon September 24-27