
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon August 26-30

Think outside the trash… RECYCLE! That’s the focus of our UOI lesson this week. We started our lesson by watching a video about 3 Rs wherein they were able to review Reduce and Reuse.  And finally introduced them to our next lesson which is Recycle.

今週は3RのひとつRECYCLE(リサイクル)について理解を深めました。最初は3Rに関するビデオを見て、 Reduce(資源を使う量を減らす)、Reuse(再利用)についても復習しながらRECYCLE(リサイクル)について学びました。
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I showed them the symbol for recycle which is ♻️ and let them find it to some of the materials in front of them like plastic bottle and they were able to read the letters PET.
What are the materials that can be recycled? (Paper📄🗞 Plastic🥤🍬 Metal🥫Glass🍾) We tried to sort them out and put them in their proper recycle bin.
Canyon students got also excited to another video we watched because that video shows that they can make some toys using those recyclable materials. They can make a fire engine, bus, and car using cardboard/carton box, a puppet using paper bag, and a rocket using paper cup. Don’t worry children we will try to do that next time! We’ll see how creative and imaginative you are in making things!
どんな廃材がリサイクル出来るでしょうか? 紙類、プラスチックごみ、缶、ガラス瓶などを使って、正しいリサイクルボックスに仕分けをしてもらいました。お友達や先生に聞きながら、正しい箱に仕分けをすることが出来ました。

This week, we only had a chance to get into the outside pool once because of the changes in temperature and weather but they were able to play outside with the sandbox and other playing structure we have. They also had a chance to visit their sweet potato plant. Look! They are already growing that their vines are already  crossing to the plot next to it.
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They also enjoyed in our Music class following different beats and rhythm!
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Aside from practicing in the gym, we also practice for our dance performance every afternoon on Mondays and Thursdays. Little by little our students are able to memorize the dance steps we’ve been practicing for weeks.
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Snake, snail, square, squirrel, sun, soccer ball are the words that begin with the letter Ss. We also found out that some of their friends’ names have letter S. They encircled them and say Ss with its sound like a snake s…s…s…!
Snake(へび)、snail(かたつむり)、square(四角)、squirrel(りす)、 sun(太陽)、 soccer ball(サッカーボール)をSから始まる言葉として紹介しました。キャニオンのお友達の名前の中にもSの文字があることを発見して、一人ずつホワイトボードに〇をつけてもらいました。
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That’s all for this week! Enjoy your weekend!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon August 26-30