
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest (July 22nd – 26th)

This was another week of working and having fun together. We had fun going to the pool and practicing our dance routine at gym class. We worked more with each other in class.
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In phonics, we practiced word endings to help us read many different words. We looked at such endings like -ank, -est, -ing, -ink, -ump. We played games and helped each other read many new words with these endings. We also reviewed -ed words and how to say the three types of these words by sorting words into three groups and looking at our results after doing the activity.
フォニックスでは引き続き色々な単語の語尾「-ank, -est, -ing, -ink, -ump」の読みかたを練習しました。ゲームをしながらお互い助け合い、楽しく新しい単語を学びました。単語の語尾が「-ed」の発音の仕方も復習しました。
In UOI, we completed are end of unit craft. We did the remaining activity crafts and practiced giving presentations. We worked with the other class to practice before giving our own presentation in front of class. We are getting ready to begin the next unit from next week.
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TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest (July 22nd – 26th)