
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest (July 8th-12th)

This was a good week we used to learn more in class. Everyone worked well together when asked to which was great to see and it was also great to see the students do things on their own without needing to be asked, such as help others.
In phonics we looked at how to identify words in reading as well as word endings. We looked at endings such as -s, -ed- ing, -er and how to read them. We also looked how -ed can be said different ways depending how the word is written, such as played, stopped, added and how the ending sound changes. We also read books that used the word endings and practiced reading.
フォニックスでは本を読みながら単語を探す練習をしました。語尾が s, ed, ing, erでなる単語を探し出し、意味と読み方を本を読みながら学びました。edで終わる単語でも発音が違う単語があることも学びました。
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In UOI, we looked at more parts of Japanese culture. We looked at famous Japanese paintings and other artwork. Using this example, we made artwork based off the creation the students chose. It also looked at Japanese fans and their importance as well as made our own fan. Additionally, we looked at sumo and its importance. The students liked making the crafts, like the sumo and getting to be creative.
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The students had fun in gym. We began practicing for sports festival and learning some of the things we need to do for the festival. It was a good first practice and we will get better.
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Thank you,
Scott Combs

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest (July 8th-12th)