
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon June 17-21

Children love toys!
We are learning while we are playing! In different forms of games, Canyon students were able to identify and name what kinds of toys they have in our classroom.
We played “Musical Circle Touch”. All students sat in a circle and I placed the toys in the center of the circle. While the music plays, we pass the balloon to the one sitting next to us. Then when I stop the music, the student holding the balloon should touch the kind of toy I am going to say. Like, “Touch the doll!, Touch the kitchen tools!”
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We also played “Feel in the Box”. I put different toys inside the box, then each student should put one of his hand inside and feel what kind of toy he is touching. Then, he has to name it.
Another activity we did is called “Fetch It”. I put some of the toys on the floor and by two’s they have to pick up the kind of toy I will say and put them in the right basket. After that, they lined up in front of the basket of their favorite toy! Most of them chose “blocks” as their favorite toy.
Everyone had fun playing at the park last Monday! They are now more independent in what they’re doing!
「Feel in the Box」というゲームもしました。箱の中に手を入れて、何の玩具に触っているかを言うゲームです。「Fetch It」というゲームでは、二人のお友達がペアになり先生に言われた玩具を拾って正しい籠に入れるという事をしました。その後、自分たちが好きな玩具の前に列になって並びました!ブロックが好きなお友達が一番多くいました。
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They also had a good time during their Gym class!
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In phonics, we focused on letter Jj as in jar, jack-o’lantern, jacks, and jellyfish. We also traced broken lines to form the uppercase J.
Thursday is a Dental check-up day! Everyone patiently waited for their turn and widely opened their mouth so the dentist could see their teeth well.
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Happy weekend everyone! 😀

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon June 17-21