
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest June 17th – 21st, 2019

This week in class we continued our discussion of culture. For starters, we looked at where we were in the world and students figured out things in Japan are not always everywhere outside of Japan. For example, not everyone speaks Japanese or wears kimono. We then looked at Japanese culture specifically and what things about Japan went into what part of culture: language, special places, food, clothing, festivals/traditions. Students were asked to sort pictures and then put them on a board in the correct category. After students were asked to think of their favorite thing in Japan and then they had to draw a picture of it. When they were finished, they had to write at the top what part of Japanese culture that it was apart of.
In class we continued our study of telling time and the students did very well. They had to play “time bingo”. They had to see a clock with changing time and then cover the right time with the correct, “o’clock” card. The team that covered all six squares won the game. The students liked it very much which was fun to see.
This week in phonics, we looks at syllables and parts of words. The students liked playing the game for it very much. They had a four cards with pictures on them. The students put their hands on their head and when I said the name of the picture, they had to tap the picture with their hands. After that, the student who hit the picture had to sound it out and tell me how many syllables the words has in it. We also began looking at contractions. This is an area we will look at further to make sure it is understood better. All in all, the students did great working and playing together this week.
They did good while having their dental checkup and listened to what was asked of them to do. We are having the students take of their lockers and belongings even more as well as take a more active role in helping to keep the classroom clean.
Thank you,
Scott Combs

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest June 17th – 21st, 2019