
Shimauchi Preschool


Cherish to our first experiences- Canyon (April 10th-14th)

Hello everyone .

Welcome to our weekly blog. We had an amazing week learning and doing things for the first time. On Monday, we did an activity getting to know each other. We sang the song “Hello, hello what’s your name?” while walking around the circle and when the music stopped, they all stopped and the kid in front of the microphone introduced their name. All the friends asked in chorus, “What’s your name? and that friend in front answered “My name is…〇〇(Name), Nice to meet you!” until they all have their turn. They introduced their names confidently in front of their friends.

私たちのブログへようこそ。この一週間、私たちは学ぶことがたくさんあり、とても充実した一週間でした。始めは、お互いを知るためのアクティビティを行いました。”Hello, hello what’s your name? “という歌を歌いながら輪になって歩き、音楽が止まると全員が立ち止まり、マイクの前にいる子が自分の名前を紹介しました。周りのお友達が「What’s your name?」 と質問をし、マイクの前にいる子が「My name is…〇〇(名前」と発表。 周りの子が「Nice to meet you!」とあいさつをするゲームです。お友達の前で、堂々と自分の名前を紹介することができました。

We started our first IB lesson and this unit is about “Who we are” talking about our roles and responsibilities and the connection to other people. Doing the morning routine is one of the children’s role when they come in the morning. First, we named the stuffs they bring at school. We opened their bag and showed them what they have in their bag and where to put them. Some of the kids know the name of some stuffs like bag, water bottle, towel, chopsticks, toothbrush and then we label each basket to put in, their stuffs. Most of them were able to unpack their stuff and put them in their designated basket. Good job, Canyon students.

We also talked about their role how to organise the toys and put them into their designated storage. One time, we went out with some toys scattered everywhere in the classroom. When we were back, we asked the students if “Is it pleasant to leave without cleaning up and why? Then we asked them which basket should the cars, blocks, foods, books and etc. go? After learning about their role, after every free play they were able to clean up and separate each toys and put them back to the proper basket.

今週からUnit1が始まりました。このユニットは「Who we are」というテーマで、自分の役割や責任、他の人たちとのつながりについて話しをしています。朝のカバンの始末も、もちろん子どもたちの役割のひとつ。まずは、物の名前から確認をしました。Backpack(バッグ)、Waterbottle(水筒)、Loop towel(タオル)、Chopsticks(箸)、Toothbrash(歯ブラシ)など、すでにいくつかの物の名前を知っている子もいましたが、先生のあとに繰り返し言いながら覚えました。各それぞれのカゴにイラストが貼ってあるので、それを見て自分たちで入れる事もできます。ほとんどの子が、自分の荷物を指定されたカゴに入れることができました。キャニオンのみんな、よくできました!


We introduced the “corners” we set in the classroom. They are kitchen corner, Reading corner, blocks and cars, playing corner, and craft corner. We talked about one of the rule when playing in the classroom. When reading a book, sit and read in the mat in the reading corner, blocks on the floor, cars in the car playing area. kitchen toys in the kitchen area and don”t mix the kitchen stuffs with the different stuffs. They used their thinking skills, reasoning to the teacher that cars cannot be played on the table, dinosaurs can’t be in the reading corner, kitchen toys can’t be on the floor and mixed with the other toys.


Wednesday was our first music lesson. Kids line up and was excited what’s going on to start. We started with clapping our hands and sang the Japanese songs. It was the first time for all the kids holding the castanet and before using it, we practice clapping hands the same timing when we click the castanet. They enjoyed using it and was a good practice for their fine motor skills. They also enjoyed running when the played the piano and they stopped when the piano stopped, swayed their bodies when the piano began to play slowly and touched the part of their body with the coloured paper they were holding. They were able to learn how to follow the instructions.


This week, we learned the English Phrases “Here you are, thank you, and you’re welcome”. We watched the video and sang the song together and used the phrase when playing, passing the ball to friends while saying those phrases. Also, when the teacher served the food and say “Here you are”, they were able to answer “thank you” and “you’re welcome”

今週は、「Here you are, thank you, and you’re welcome」という英語フレーズソングを歌い、日常的にも使いながら覚えています。先生がおやつを渡すときに “Here you are “と言うと、”Thank you “と答えられるようになりました。

This week, the weather was pleasant and perfect to go and play outside. Kids enjoyed playing nicely with friends, remember their names and gradually get used to school life.


Have a glance at some cute photos of our brilliant kids.


It’is our first gym. Our youngsters were excited to get on the bus. We explained to them the rules before getting on the bus and they listened carefully to the teacher. Some kids say “It’s my first time to get on the bus!” In the gym, first they did the stretching, did the race and did the activity using the ball lifting it up with their feet, sit on the ball balancing their weight and more… They had a good day doing a lot of exercise and looked tired and hungry when we got back to school.


We are looking forward to kids using the daily English phrases and use them at home and their roles they do at school and try doing at home too. Dear parents, we greatly appreciate your support.

See you in our next update. Have a wonderful weekend.



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Cherish to our first experiences- Canyon (April 10th-14th)