
Shimauchi Preschool


Outdoor team- building activity- Canyon(April 24th-28th)

Hello everyone.

Welcome to another fun-filled learning and playing week here in Canyon class. We started our week touring outside the school building. We walked around the yard and introduced to students what we can see around. We talked about the “do’s and don’ts” and the kids also expressed their opinions like “When the gate is open, we can’t go out over! It’s dangerous! When the car comes, stay away from the gate, and don’t run!; stay in a safe place, around the sandpit, and more.


Can exciting day for Canyon since it was their first time joining with the other classes to celebrate the birthday party together. After giving a treat to the celebrants, Rainforest students led the Zumba dance, and everyone had a blast dancing together.


We did the outdoor fun team-building activity. That helps improve the children’s coordination, and communication and helps the kids to get united with their partners. Kids enjoyed playing the “fingertip hula hoop game” First, they find their pair and held hands together with a hoop on their hands walking forward to the goal without dropping it down. The next round is, holding their fingers together with the hoop between them. They did their best and tried not to drop it down.This game encourages the children to cooperate with each other.


Rainy Day Craft

A perfect activity that fits the weather of the day. We weren’t able to play outside because of the heavy rain but we enjoyed making our craft. Canyon students concentrated well on threading the straw that resembled the rain. They took their time to finish it and their patience was challenged. Threading helps kids have a good eye coordination and it enhance to develop their fine motor skills.

大雨のため外で遊ぶことはできませんでしたが工作を楽しみました。雨に見立てたストローを紐に通し花紙で雲を作りました。Weather songを歌い、天気を毎朝確認しているので、「It’s rainy!」と言いながら集中して作り上げていました。じっくりと時間をかけて仕上げるので、忍耐力が問われます。紐通しは、目と目の連動性を高め、運動能力を向上させる効果があります。

Earthquake evacuation drill

We conducted the first earthquake drill. For our little ones, we first explained to them shortly about “What is an earthquake and what will happen when the shaking occurs and what they should they do to protect themselves”. When the emergency bell rang, kids followed the teacher’s instruction to go under the table to protect themselves. When the office announced that shaking stopped, we evacuated to the parking area and listened to the explanation. Canyon students though it’s their first experience to evacuate, they did a good job following their teachers. We clearly explained to them the rules when evacuating. They are O- Osanai/Don’t push; HA- Hashiranai/Don’t run; SHI- Shizukani/ Keep quite; MO- Modoranai/ Don’t go back.


Alphabet Matching and Phonics A Activity.


Our Role in CanyonFolding clothes before and after changing their pajamas


Rock and Roll boys and girls

Here’s a glimpse of our kids who love singing and dancing in front of the mic.



Here are some songs and videos we sing every day. Using these phrases in our daily life increases their vocabulary and boost their confidence. Please enjoy watching and singing together with the kids at home

私たちが毎日歌っている歌を紹介します。これらのフレーズを日常生活で使うことで、子どもたちの語彙が増え、自信がつきます。 ぜひ、ご家庭で子どもたちと一緒に見たり歌ったりして楽しんでください。

Have a fantastic weekend.



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Outdoor team- building activity- Canyon(April 24th-28th)