
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest and Graduation Preparation: March 4-8

Rainforest has been busy preparing their Graduation Ceremony. Graduating class Milky Way from ISN Minami campus will also be join us in the ceremony. Besides performing Auld Lang Syne with handbells, both classes will be singing songs too. They will also be presenting their heartfelt messages to the audience. Rainforest and Milky Way have been practising their lines together in rehearsals and via video conferencing. Great teamwork! Rainforest is in the midst of creating a memento for their ISN teachers and friends with handprints.

For our Journal Writing this week, it is All About Me. Rainforest practised a little self-introduction in pairs then they drew themselves and wrote at least 5 sentences. Well done! Writing frames were provided on the whiteboard and a bank of related words: I am…. / My name is…, I like… In my family, I have… At home, I have… Rainforest has also started using past tenses in their writing in their My Weekend News. For example, I went, bought, played. This week’s writing in contrast has tenses in the present such as I am, I will, I have. Grammar is therefore taught in a meaningful way and in a relevant context.

Another set of 12 high frequency words (Indigo Words) were introduced to the class. We started with a reading and spelling game called “Slide the Words”. Seated in a line, the first student gets a word card. She reads and spell the word, then slide the card to the next person. The game got more exciting when more cards came at a faster pace! We also played Indigo Word Bingo. Till next week, have a fabulous weekend!

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