
Shimauchi Preschool


Autumn Fun and Bus Trip SVRF 10/21

We couldn’t have asked for a better day to be out on a field trip. Although the day started off a bit chilly, it soon turned warm enough to be outside enjoying the autumn crisp air! Sky Park was an exhilaratingly great place for the children to roam free and have a blast playing in the jungle gym! We absolutely loved it and are thankful for this unforgettable experience. 

Through viewing 6 short clips of some well known stories the children learned to think critically of the elements in the stories. In our discussions after watching the stories, the children talked about: who are the characters, where did the story take place, why the author wrote the stories, and what is the plot of the story. Initially those were concepts that were difficult for them to grasp. However, through discussions, acting, and drawing of the stories, it helped them better understand these unfamiliar terms, such as: characters, setting, main point and plots. As the lessons progress we will revisit the terms. Given time and practice we are confident that they will be able to attain a full understanding of these abstract concepts. 

What have we been up to this week aside from the fun trip to the Skypark? We strolled to the shrine and played tag games outside a few times. The children love going for walks and playing outdoors! In school we are also gearing up for the big event this month – the Halloween party! The children helped draw their favorite Halloween characters to decorate the school. The children cannot wait to show off their costumes and for Halloween to be here! 

The children enjoyed listening to their friend read one of his hand picked stories! It is all about autumn!

The children enjoyed listening to their friend reading a story

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / Autumn Fun and Bus Trip SVRF 10/21