
Shimauchi Preschool


Back to the Swing of Things! SV/RF

Let’s get this year rolling with fun filled activities! We started off this week planting beans in the bags. As the spring is upon us so are the growing seasons for all living things! Children will learn to take care of their bean plants and watch its growth. We are sure this will sprout many interesting questions and conversations in the weeks ahead. 

I am sure all the families are aware of our UOI theme this first quarter is on My Family. Thank you so much for preparing the family photos for your child to share in class. Children started this week by learning about the names and roles of family members. We read stories about families, talked about what a family is, and how everyone’s families are different.  Some have a big family of 9 people, while some have three. It was fascinating to see how children portrayed each of their family members in their family drawings! We just love all the details they’ve put into their work!   
UOI1のテーマは、「家族」についてです。子どもたちがクラスメイトと自分の家族について共有できるように、家族の写真を準備していただきました。保護者の皆様、ご協力ありがとうございました!子供たちは今週、家族の名前と役割について学ぶことから始めました。私たちは家族についてのお話(絵本)を読み、家族とは何か、そして家族の違いについても話し合いました。 9人の大家族もいれば、3人家族もいます。子どもたちに自分の家族を絵に描いてもらいました。みんなの家族の絵は全てとても魅力的でした!

Nothing beats the fun of outdoor play! The first half of this week was filled with scorching heat where long sleeves were getting too warm for some. The children have been practicing walking long distances in preparation for the “real walk” to the park sometime soon. Many complained of being tired half way through the walk! We think we still have a long way to go before these little ones are ready for the big journey! Meanwhile, let’s enjoy some playground time just kicking balls or making pies and cakes at the sandpit! 

The children kept themselves busy indoors during the free choice time. Sharing toys is certainly not an easy task! They are learning how to play with a caring mind, doing what is principal, and learning to communicate with each other. Who says growing up is easy? 

What sounds do they make? How do you decode that word with all these sounds? Yes, that is why we are learning it together! Phonic lessons are lots of fun when children learn to make the sounds of each letter. Playing around with sounds sometimes can be difficult, but it’s fun to hear the silly words we can come up with. We are sure in no time, children will be word detectives who can decode all these combinations of letters! 

More fun practices to sharpen up our small motor skills! We love working with clays, the possibilities are endless! Rolling them into snake shape is hard, but they all tried their best. Children really loved making all the clay dumplings! We wonder what they will make next time?

Pianica time is so much fun! This year we started our music lessons in the music room and children were excited to join the lesson in a new place. 

Who says rainy days have to be boring days when we have free space to play group games!? The children had lots of fun playing the “Who took the cookie from the cookie jar” chant and “What time is it Mr. Wolf?” oh no, the wolf is going to have us for dinner! Let’s run!! 

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