
Shimauchi Preschool


Shooting star/ Savanna 23 – 27 April

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a good time so far in spring. As its getting warmer we are having loads of fun in the park and our outside playtime. We are working on improving our co operation in the playground. In our unit of inquiry we are focusing on daddy and activities we do with our dads for this week. We also drew a portrait of our fathers and shared the information of what we do in our different households. For phonics we covering sounds of the letters ‘H’ and ‘G’.
SS SVクラスでは温かい陽気の中、公園での外遊びを楽しみました!その中で、お友達と一緒に仲良く遊ぶことも学んでいます。
IBのレッスンでは「Daddy おとうさん」について学びました。お父さんの似顔絵を描いたり、家族によって違った生活がある事などを知りました。
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TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / Shooting star/ Savanna 23 – 27 April