Hi everyone!🌻
Time flies so fast! We are now in the last unit of our UOI lesson… This week, we started to discuss the different types of transportation.🚛🚑⛵🛩️ We asked them what transportation is and what vehicles do they know. Some of them cited a car, bus, taxi ambulance, airplane, bicycle, motorcycle, fire truck, train, boat, truck, etc. We also learned the modes of transport such as: land, air, and water. For our activity, we let our youngsters to categorized the vehicles based on the modes of transportation. Well done!⭐

Aside from learning the types of transportation, we also learned new songs! Our little ones enjoyed singing and dancing to the music!🧍🏻♀🧍🏻♂
月ごとや各ユニットごとに新しい歌がかかると、「New song?」と嬉しそうな子どもたち😊音に合わせ、歌ったり体を動かしながら学んでいくことで、より楽しみながら乗り物に興味を持つことができます🎶!🧍🏻🧍🏻🧍🏻🧍🏻🧍🏻。

We are almost done with the letters in the alphabet. Before we move to the next letter, we did tracing of uppercase letter T. Our young ones are doing well in recognizing each letter and its sound. We are so proud that can now trace letters nicely and properly!✨ Keep it up, Canyon!👏🏻

Since we started the year 2023, we introduced a fun and exciting game to our youngsters. We played “Fukuwarai”. It is a Japanese children’s game popular at the Lunar New Year. To play this game, they have to close their eyes and try to place the features onto the face in the correct positions. It’s so fun, isn’t it?!😊

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!🌼