Thank you all for joining us in our Open Day. Savanna students were AWESOME! Morning circle – calendar, weather report, number counting and the A-Z jobs alphabet showcased how routines can be fun and enjoyable, everyday! Kudos too to each and every student who confidently stood in front of a packed audience for their UOI (Unit of Inquiry) presentation. Savanna read about their favourite community helpers, posed and smiled for the cameras. The beaming smiles of all parents encouraged the students too. Great job, everyone!

Savanna: “Open day was good! I showed my mummy how to play the game. I was the winner! The hospital was fun. My mummy was watching me. I was the doctor. My daddy played the One More game with me. I blocked him. I win one point!”
A big shout out to our birthday boy too. Happy 5th Birthday! We were treated to a magic show at our monthly ISN party.

This week we learned about Hinamatsuri – Doll Festival or Girls’ Festival. This festival observed on March 3 celebrates the health and happiness of young girls and women. In class, we made crafts and listened to a story with traditional kamishibai story cards. We sang along with a popular Hinamatsuri song too. Please see the video below.

In our unit, we also talked about “how community helpers help us”. We played a game called “Who Am I”. Clues were given and the class had to guess the name of the community helper.
I help people who are sick. I work in the hospital. Who am I? I help protect people. I wear a uniform. Who am I? I help people learn. I work in a school. Who am I? I serve people food and drinks. I work in a restaurant. Who am I?
Till next week, have a fabulous weekend!