


Taking care of our animal- Canyon(August 17th-25th)

Hello everyone,

We’re glad to see the kids back after a week’s holiday. Kids had non-stop stories about their whereabouts during the OBON holiday. Getting in the pool at the school yard has ended. Kids would be missing those memories getting in and splashing the water everyday. They really had a lot of fun.


We beat the heat by going to the park by bus and enjoy playing in the water. Kids have a blast walking in the cold flowing water. Some kids who are scared of touching the water, became confident when holding hands with their friends. They enjoyed collecting dried leaves that float with the stream. They had their body cool down, especially in this very hot days.


We only have a week to go until we finish our Unit 2 of our UOI learning about “the ways to take care of animals”. First of all, we reviewed the name of animals they wrote in their worksheet which they did with their parents at home. We were glad they were able to figure out some animals’ names which are not in the list on the wall. They were also able to distinguish which category they belong like “swallows live in the sky, sunfish live in the water, lesser pandas live in the land. Thank you dear parents for taking your time doing the worksheet with the kids.


Kids brought to school the animal toys they have at home and we asked them to think of a name of their animals. What they brought is not just an ordinary toy but we let them know that they will treat them as the real animal so, we have to think of the good attitude how to take care of them. Taking care of them is the same as we take care of our body. To test how much they know, we provided a worksheet and circle the pictures which they they think a good attitude. Some examples of those are: Give a bath, brush hair, brush teeth, feed the animal, give water, provide a shelter, take a walk, love the animal, and play with them. Most of them encircled the good attitude and now they are ready to put them into action. After that, we distributed the shower, shampoo, hairbrush, toothbrush, food, and water and they demonstrated how to take care of them. Everyday, it became one of their routine to be responsible care taker. Thanks so much dear parents for your cooperation for providing the animal toys for the kids.

動物のお世話をするために、家にある動物のぬいぐるみをスクールに持ってきてもらいました。これは、ただのおもちゃではなく、本物の動物として扱うのだということを伝えました。動物を大切にすることは、私たちが自分の体を大切にすることと同じです。子どもたちがどの程度知っているかをテストするために、ワークシートを用意し、良い態度だと思う絵に丸をつけました。 例えば、お風呂に入れる、毛をとかす、歯を磨く、餌を与える、水を与える、家(寝る所)を与える、散歩をする、動物を愛する、一緒に遊ぶなど。ほとんどの子ども達が、よく理解できていて、さらにそれを自分のペットに実行していました。ペットに名前をつけ、シャワー、シャンプー、ヘアーブラシ、歯ブラシ、食べ物、水のお世話セットを用意し、ロッカーのカゴがペットのお家にしました。 毎日、責任を持って世話をすることが、彼らの日課となってきています。

We started to practice the Class dance performance and our youngsters enjoy dancing everyday. Please check the songs we have inserted below ans enjoy dancing and singing with the kids.


Sports Festival song- Travel Through the World


Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday.


TOP / Taking care of our animal- Canyon(August 17th-25th)