
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“It’s Almost Hinamatsuri Festival” Meadow-February 22-26




March is almost here and we are excited for the upcoming event that is very memorable especially for girls. To enliven the said event, we made a Hina-doll craft. Everyone in Meadow class was asked the task to draw eyes and mouth on dolls’ face and sticked a hat and a scepter on for boys and a crown and a fan for girls. After that, they chose the origami paper for the traditional dress. What a lovely craft!


Our Music Class was full of laughter as we sang the “Clap Your Hands Together” song. It giggled them clapping their hands both in a fast and slow pace. We had so much energy and happiness singing and dancing together. It was awesome 🤩.

音楽のレッスンでは “Clap Your Hands Together” の今日を歌う時みんな楽しそうに笑い声が溢れています。また早かったり、遅かったり両手の手拍子をするのにみんな笑いながら歌っています。歌ったり踊ったり一緒に行うことで、多くの元気や楽しさを体験しています。素晴らしいですね。

For our monthly theme, we had been learning about the Five Senses. Now that we can say longer phrases, we made it more thorough by allowing them to make a sentence using the senses like, I can see an apple, I can touch a cat, I can hear a bird, etc. It’s amazing how Meadow students could think of any words to make a complete sentence. Yes! We are ready to move up.

今月のテーマでは五感について学んでいます。もう今ではみんな長いフレーズの言えますので、” I can see an apple, I can touch a cat, I can hear a bird,などの感覚を表現する、より高度なセンテンスを言うようにしました。Meadowクラスの子供達は完成したセンテンスを言えるように考えることが出来て素晴らしいです。そうです!みんな進級の準備ができています。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “It’s Almost Hinamatsuri Festival” Meadow-February 22-26