


Nagano Aurora – What's your favorite? (10-13 May)

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful golden week! From the stories I have hear, it sounded like everyone did! This week we have started a new Line of inquiry, used our bodies in gym class, had fun in music class, and have just been having a lot of fun together.

Mother’s Day craft

At the end of last week, we made some nice cards to all our wonderful mothers! Before we started, we talked about all the things our mothers do for us. We all agreed that we should be very thankful for all their hard work every day!

The first thing we made for our card, was a drawing of their mother. Next, we crumpled some colorful origami paper that we glued to the card so that they formed a sweet flower. The final touch was sticking a nice ribbon to the card! They all love their mommies so much, and promised to say “I love you mommy” or “Thank you mommy” when giving the cards. How did they do, parents??

UOI lesson

Our transdisciplinary theme is “Who we are”, with our central idea being “We can be the same and different”
We started our second LOI, “Things I like may be different from other”, this week.
We introduced the topic by singing an old favorite song “Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?”. After the song we discussed what the word “Favorite” means, and how we might not always like the same things. We also practiced the phrases, “What’s your favorite? And “My favorite is _”.

The kids came up to the front of the class to select their favorite food from the song. The class asked them “What’s your favorite?”, in which they had to answer accordingly.
While they were choosing their favorite food, we had the chance to compare their selection with the others. We asked ourselves if we all had the same favorite, or if it was different.

Gym lesson

Our gym lesson was full of energy, as always!
After some stretching and warming up, we started our exciting lesson.
We used the mat to walk, jump and crawl across it on various ways.
These exercises help us work on our balance and strength.

Music lesson

We had another fun music lesson this week too.
The lesson started by clapping our hands in rhythm to the music the teacher was playing on the piano. The teacher showed us three different ways to “clap” using only our fingers. Depending on the music the teacher was playing, we used our thumbs, index fingers or little fingers to clap in rhythm to the song.

Next, we used hula hoops to pretend being trains. And we got some very special passengers! The first passenger was a cute squirrel. It was light, so we were able to quickly drive around the room. The second passenger was an elephant. It was quite heavy, so we were only able to slowly drive around. The final passenger was a bunny. And the strangest thing happened. All the trains started to jump around!

Phonics and writing practice

This week’s letter is “D”

We talked about the sound we say when reading the letter, and showed various exampled of words using the letter. We also wrote the word “Dog” on the whiteboard, and sounded it out phonetically.
We also did a letter search, where each table got the big worksheet. It’s nice to see everyone working together and helping out their friends if they are struggling to find the letter! Keep it up Aurora!
アルファベットの「D」のフォニックスの音をみんなで発声し、「D」から始まる単語を発音しました。そして、Mr.Keneethが、ホワイトボードに「DOG 」と書き、それぞれのアルファベットのフォニックス音をつなげて読んでみる挑戦をしてみました。

We finished the lessons by tracing the letter, so they can get used to their future writing days.

Swimming lesson

It was finally time for our first swimming lesson together! And I’m happy to say that everyone showed up with their spirits high and a brave heart!

We started the lesson by using the platforms and walking across them in various ways.
Next, we walked inside the pool from one side to the other.
And finally, we used the platforms to create a fun waterslide!

Outside play

The weather is getting hotter, and Aurora has been enjoying a lot of time outside.
Before we go to the park, we always go over our rules for walking safely:
Always walk behind your friend, don’t create a big gap between you and your friends in front of you, look forward when you walk, hands up when crossing the street and stop walking if a car is coming are some of the most important rules.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!


TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora – What's your favorite? (10-13 May)