


Nagano Aurora – Developing our fine motor skills (17-20 May)

Hello everyone!

It has been another fun and exciting week here in Aurora class. This week we used scissors for the first time, had fun a fun gym and music class, and continued our UOI lessons.

UOI lessons (We can be the same and different)

We continued with our second LOI, “Things I like may be different from our friends”, this week.
The topic is still talking about our likes and dislikes with a focus on our favorite things.
To find something easy and fun to compare we chose our favorite shape and color.

In our first lesson we chose our favorite shape, and used a shape frame to present it for the class.
The student came to the front of the class in front of everyone, chose a shape, held it in front of their face. The class then asked them: “What’s your favorite shape”, in which they answered “My favorite shape is _”. We also compared everyone’s favorite to see how many had the same favorite and how many were different.
今週最初のUOI では、お気に入りの形を選び、形のフレームを使ってクラスのみんなの前で、「Show&Tell」を行いました。


For our second lesson we chose our favorite color. The students got a coloring page of their favorite shape. The teacher asked them “What’s your favorite color?”, in which they answered “My favorite color is___”.
They were then given a crayon of their favorite color so they could fill in their shape.


For the third lesson we had fun using our favorite shape and color, playing the “Fruit basket” game together. The student’s wore the shape that they had colored around their necks. We formed a circle with their chairs, with one less chair than players. One player would stand in the middle declaring a color or shape. All the students whose favorite was the same then had to switch places, leaving another student in the middle to repeat the process.

Gym lesson

We had another fun gym class this week. In addition to our regular exercises on the mat, we took out the trampoline this time! We all took turns jumping on the trampoline with some help from the teacher. Please, take a look at some of the highlights from the lesson!

Music lesson

We had a very fun music lesson this week!
First, we pranced as horses around the room. Depending on the music the teacher was playing, we either walked normally or pranced around the room.
Next, the students had to do 3 different exercises while sitting down facing each other. They held hands and pulled each other back and forth, swayed from side to side, and finally pulled each other back and forth in rhythm to the music.
For our final activity we used some nice colorful scarves. We crumpled them up and made some nice flowers.

Happy birthday Norway!

Aurora’s homeroom teacher is from Norway, and the 17th of May was Norway’s constitution day! In Norway, we celebrate this day by saying “Happy birthday” to each other. Many people also dress in special clothing called “Bunad”. One of the most important aspects is the children’s parade. Each school district arranges their own parade using their own marching band in front. They then walk early in the morning from their school, marching all the way past the castle to greet the royal family.
It’s a fun day for kids because there is music playing everywhere, and they can eat as much ice cream, hot dogs and cake as they want!

The teacher talked a little about the day, and showed a video of the children’s parade.

Using scissors!

Aurora class used scissors for the first time this week!
Developing kids fine and gross motor skills is very important, and we try our best everyday to help our youngster grow and develop those skills.
Using scissors works their fine motor skills, and it also is a great way to build their hand strength.
Before we started, we talked a lot about how to safely use the scissors. Not only how, but also why we have to be careful when we hold and use the scissors. What are the consequences of not being careful was also an important talking point.

The teacher helped the student’s one by one to make sure that everything was being done safely.
They cut a piece of paper 8 times to make strips of paper that we can use for our crafts.
Everyone did a really great job! I’m so impressed by everyone!


It looks like the rainy season has come early this year, but we have still found some opportunities to play outside together! Aurora has an endless amount of energy, and there is no better way to spend it than running around outside.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora – Developing our fine motor skills (17-20 May)