
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


"Walking is fun" (Meadow- May 25th-28th)

散歩を楽しんでいます  Meadowクラス 5月25日から28日より

Hello everyone,


Hooray, it’s sunny! It’s been a week since we have started walking with the class outside the campus. Our youngsters get used to, little by little remembering the rules when walking. They all grasped tightly the ring we always use to walk and never leave their places, walking straight after their friends. They enjoyed seeing different things they saw and named them “it’s a bicycle! ah, a car!, strawberries! flowers! dog!” When we passed to the place where we saw flowers in different colors they started singing the class’s favorite song, “The Rainbow Song” where they mentioned colors. Then we returned back to school with smiles and were so excited to play in the schoolyard. Our youngsters learn to identify, count, and interact with objects in nature.

嬉しい、快晴です。スクールの外を散歩し始めてから一週間になります。子供達は歩くのに慣れ、歩く時のお約束を少しずつ覚えています。みんな歩くのにいつも使うリングをしっかりつかみ、離れないでお友達の後を真っ直ぐ歩いています。みんな自分たちが見たものを見て「bicycle!, car!, strawberries!, flowers!, dogs!」などと言って楽しんでいます。様々な色の花を見た場所を通った時はみんな、Meadowクラスのお気に入りの歌、色を歌詞にした「The Rainbow Song」を歌い始めました。スクールに笑顔で戻り園庭で遊んで楽しみました。子供達は色を認識したり、同じ色のものを数えたり、自然の中にあるものと関連させたりして学んでいます。

Fun classroom activity


Rainy days were fun too, staying in the classroom. Our youngsters enjoyed tearing the newspaper into pieces then thrown them up high like pouring rain. They really loved it. After they enjoyed it fully, the room got messy and we all cooperated, cleaned up the floor giving everyone a plastic bag to put in the newspapers, and made a ball out of it. We had fun rolling it and did the catch ball with friends. Tearing paper is an amazing fine motor activity for kids. They improve hand strenght and endurance in the small muscles in the hand. Also, after playing and made a mess, cleaning up is an important part of a young person’s development. It helps develop a sense of responsibility.


Classroom Birthday Party


We celebrated the birthday of one of our May celebrant. Meadow class sang ” Happy Birthday to you!” and he was so delighted putting on the crown on his head and received a remembrance birthday card from the teachers. Happy Happy Birthday! We all love you!

5月生まれのお友達のお誕生日のお祝いをしました。Meadowクラスみんなで「Happy Birthday to you!」を歌いました。お誕生日のお友達は頭に冠を被りとても喜んでいました。そして先生達から記念の誕生日カードをもらいました。Happy Happy Birthday!みんな大好きに思っているよ!

Thank you for reading our blog. Keep safe and have a nice weekend



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