
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“It’s OK To Be Different” Aurora-May 31- June 3


Welcome June. The gateway to summer is here.6月に入りました。いよいよ夏に向かうゲートが開きました。

As usual, Aurora class is full of life this week. We find pleasure in everything that we do.今週もいつもの様に、オーロラクラスでは色々な活動を楽しみました。

👉 Unit of Inquiry

We had been working on our third line of inquiry which is, “It’s OK to be different”. We watched a video about Elmer. For those who don’t know Elmer, he is a multicolored elephant who lives happily among a grey herd, and after he tries and fails to hide his true self, he learns that his friends love him for his uniqueness. Aurora class enjoyed watching the video and we had a short question and answer in between to see if our littlest understood the story. This story taught us that it’s OK to be different.

“It’s OK to be different”という、3番目のUOIに入りました。Elmoreという名前のゾウさんのお話をビデオで鑑賞しました。Elmoreはゾウの群れの中で幸せに暮らしていましたが、自分の色が他のゾウの様にグレーではなく、何色もある身体をしたゾウです。自分自身の色を隠して他のゾウと一緒になろうとするのですが、最後にElmore は、みんなが自分のユニークなカラーが大好きな事を知るのです。お話の内容を理解しているか、先生は都度質問をしながら読み進めました。このお話は、オーロラさんに, “It’s OK to be different”を教えてくれました。

👉 Craft

It’s raining, it’s pouring! But that’s okay, because we want to stay inside and make this umbrella craft! This craft is perfect for a rainy day. We stuck on our umbrella, our body, and boots on the construction paper and we cut a piece of bubble wrap the same size of our sheet of paper, then we painted the bubbles with blue paint, and laid it onto our paper, rubbing it with our hand to stamp the paint onto our paper and then we carefully peeled away.

間もなく梅雨入りとなります。外遊びができなくても、rainy season craftを楽しみました。色画用紙の傘、レインブーツを糊で貼り、緩衝材のシートに水色で色をつけて、傘を貼った紙に水玉模様をつけました。

👉 Phonics

This week, we learned the phonics F /f/ for fish, family, fan, frog, and flower. Then we colored the objects that start with letter F.

今週フォニックスは、Ffに移りました。Fから始まるfish, family, fan, frog, flowerの5つの単語も学びました。

👉 Gym

Our Gym class has finally resumed this week. The gym was filled with merry sound of laughter. Our littlest ran continuously and had so much fun. We actively engaged in all the activities. It was wonderful.


👉 Park

And yes! We went to the park by bus. It was sunny so we had a wonderful time playing together.


Hope you enjoy reading our blog.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / “It’s OK To Be Different” Aurora-May 31- June 3