
Shimauchi Preschool


We are all friends!(Canyon: June 7-11)


Good day, everyone! We are glad that all students from our class were back and had so much fun learning and playing together.


This week in UOI lessons, we started learning about LOI3: It’s ok to be different. We read two books which gave us lessons on being caring and open-minded. First was the Elmer book which is about a patchwork elephant who enjoys making others happy but tries to disguise himself to be the same as other elephants. We asked them to color or decorate the picture of an elephant. If you are going to be an elephant, what skin color do you want to have? Some of them colored it with rainbow colors and others just chose one color.


Next, we read “We are all different.” This book tells us the likes and dislikes, and similarities and differences of different people. We went back to LOI2 and asked them if it’s ok to like different things. Then, we had an activity about having different kinds of hair such as straight, wavy, curly, and afro hair. Do you still want to play with your friend if he/she has afro hair? curly hair? Looking at their reactions, others were laughing. When I asked, is that being caring? Can you make fun of others because they have different hair? Students changed their reactions, said no, and they realised that it’s ok to play with friends who have different hair. We learned that even if others like different things or look different, we can still be friends and play together. We may be different, but we are all friends!

次に、”We are all different “を読みました。この本では、さまざまな人の好き嫌いや共通点、相違点を教えてくれます。LOI2に戻って、「他の子と違うものを好きになってもいいのかな?」と問いかけました。そして、ストレートヘア、ウェーブヘア、くせ毛、アフロヘアなど、さまざまな種類の髪を持つことについてのアクティビティを行いました。お友達がアフロヘアやくせ毛でも、一緒に遊びたいと思いますか?みんなの反応を見ていると、笑っている子もいました。それは思いやりがある行動かな?髪型が違うからといって、他の人をバカにしていいの?と聞くと、子どもたちは反応を変えて「No!」と答え、髪の毛の違う友達と遊んでもいいんだと気付きました。好きなものや見た目が違っていても、友達になって一緒に遊べることを学びました。私たちは違っていても、みんな友達なのです。

In phonics, we focused on the letter G as in girl, gate, grass, green, guitar, and grapes. We also shaded all the boxes with the said letter and got the mystery letter which is the big uppercase letter G. We did two letters for the writing practice which are letters F and G.


In math, we finished doing the Rainbow Number 6 wherein they had to write 6 using different colors of crayon until it looks like a rainbow in the shape of number 6! We also had counting objects activity. The teacher showed a number card and students had to collect blocks according to the given number.

算数では、「Rainbow Number 6」を行いました。これは、6という数字の形が虹のようになるまで、さまざまな色のクレヨンで6を書くというものです。また、物を数えるアクティビティも行いました。先生が数字のカードを見せて、子どもたちは与えられた数字に応じてブロックを集めなければなりません。

On Thursday, we had our Music lesson. Students are still practicing their castanets and the music involves the sounds of animals such as pig, sheep, and cat. They also had rabbit for the first time wherein they had to jump three times instead of tapping the castanets and they really enjoyed it. They continue doing some movements such as walking, running, and swinging according to the music.


On Friday, we went to the gym for physical activities. They practiced running race which they will be doing in the upcoming Sports Festival. They were taught how to stand and get ready in the starting line. On your marks, get set, go (teacher blows the whistle)! They were still having fun with the hula-hoop exercises and always got excited to try new ones.

金曜日には、体育館で運動をしました。次のスポーツフェスティバルで行うかけっこの練習をしました。スタートラインでの立ち方や準備の仕方を教わりました。 On your marks, get set, go (先生が笛を吹いたら走り出します)フラフープの練習では、いつも新しいものに挑戦して楽しんでいました。

Though our bus trip was cancelled, our boys and girls still had fun walking across the river near the school. Once in a while, we practice with our students how to cross the street. We remind them of the important rules when crossing the street. Upon walking, we saw some vegetable plants such as green onion, eggplant, pumpkin, and radish. Going back to school, they were very excited for their delicious lunch made by their parents. Thank you so much mom/dad for preparing their lunch. They were smiling and happy while eating!


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend!

今週はこれでおしまいです いつもブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。素敵な週末をお過ごしください。

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