
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


We are motivated to do simple tasks (Meadow June 14-18)

課題に積極的に取り組んでいます (Meadowクラス 6月14日から18日より)

Hello everyone,


It’s getting hotter day by day. Our little ones stay active every day. We encourage them to keep hydrated and we have to refill in the children’s tea bottles every time.


From this week, we encourage our little ones to keep working in the class and get a little more cooperation and reward them for their efforts. We reviewed their everyday routine showing flashcards on what to do and if they did those simple tasks, they can have a reward sticker to be stuck on their reward chart hanging on the wall. They love it and are motivated to do their best.


In celebration of “Father’s Day”, we honor all the father’s and we made a card to express our heartfelt gratitude. Our young learners enjoyed making their craft by painting their hands choosing the colors they like. While making their craft, they looked happy talking about their dad saying “ I love my dad❤️” We were able to take their nice fingerprints. “Happy Father’s Day Dad”.

「父の日」のお祝いに、子供達はみんなおとうさんが大好きで心からの感謝を表すのにカードを作りました。子供達は好きな色を選んで手に絵具を塗ってハンドプリントを行い工作を楽しみました。工作をする間、お父さんのことを” I love my dad♥と言ったりして嬉しそうでした。みんな素敵な手形を取ることが出来ました。「父の日」おめでとうございます。

We had so much fun on our outdoor play. Our little ones enjoyed playing the ball, kicking it, and passing it to their friends. They learned how to take turns holding the ball and passing it to other friends.


In the yard, we also enjoyed doing the jump rope. Our little learners are good at skipping😊They also had fun playing in the sandpit using plastic toys as if they were cooking something and gave them to their friends and teachers.


Our little ones sweat a lot at our gym lesson. We started from stretching, raced back and forth, chasing friends and teachers, and did lots of movements with the hula- hoop.


We conducted the Earthquake drill! The bell rang to notice us that an earthquake occurred. We advised our little ones to get under the table. They moved so fast following the teacher’s instruction. When we heard the signal to go outside, our little ones lined up and followed the teacher covering their head with their hands. Good job, Meadow😊

地震の避難訓練をしました!ベルが地震が起きたことを知らせるために鳴りました。 子供達にはテーブルの下にいるように伝えました。みんな速やかに先生達の支持に従って移動しました。外に出る合図を聞いた後、子供達は列になって先生の指示の手で頭を覆うという指示を守ることができました。がんばったね Meadowのお友達 😊

In continuation of our topic about “Transport”, we made a puzzle fitting in the correct pair. Our little ones enjoyed finding the matched one.


We learned our alphabets. Our little ones love raising their hands and participated in answering questions. They were able to recognize Alphabets A−D. We also learned about numbers 1-5. We challenged them to pick up the flashcards on the table and gave the teacher the number being asked. Well done😘

子供達はアルファベットを学びました。みんな手を挙げるのが大好きで質問に答えるのに参加しました。みんなアルファベットのAからDまでを理解できました。テーブルにあるカードを取り先生に聞かれた数のカードを渡すというアクティビティに取り組むように行いました。よくできました。 😘

We enjoyed the last day of the week having our music class. Our little learners enjoyed singing, clapping their hands, and moving their bodies. Out of the songs they sang, they really had fun singing “Ai Ai” doing the gesture like monkeys and did it actively. Well done, Meadow!

週の最終日、音楽のレッスンがありました。子供達は歌ったり、手を叩いたり、体を動かした楽しみました。歌った曲のなかの一つの ” Ai Ai”を、みんなとても楽しんで歌ったり、おさるさんのように手足を動かしたりして活動的に行いました。Meadowのお友達よくできました!

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / We are motivated to do simple tasks (Meadow June 14-18)