


Rainbow Nagano: Welcoming July!

Can you believe it is July already? 3 months has passed since the first day of school and we will present you the moments we had this week. The Birthday Party is always the great hit in the end of the month. We definitely celebrate one too! Our birthday celebrant was very excited to wear the birthday crown, he was eager to introduce himself and tell everyone his favorite colors, animals, and foods! We danced along with the birthday celebrant as he requested, after the dance, we went to the park and had fun together. What a wonderful day!
もう7月です!レインボークラスのお友達が入園してから3カ月がたちました、 月日が経つのがとても早く感じています。 毎日お友達、先生達と楽しく学び、沢山遊び、笑い、笑顔が絶えない日々を過ごしています。


The Summer is here and swimming is definitely a great activity for this season. We had our swimming lesson too, the lesson begun with the basic warm ups so that we can get familiar with the water. Rainbow kids were so excited and most of them are not afraid of water anymore. Next, the instructors took each of kid and get them to do a little dive in the water. We also did the obstacle course which each kid will need to go through the semicircle float in 2 different ways: walk and crawl in the water. After we done the course, the instructor set more challenges for them. All of them went through a gap between the floats and they learned to swim across the gap. The Rainbow kids gained more confident in swimming by now, and we look forward to our next swimming lesson.
諦めずに何回もチャレンジし、できる様に頑張る姿にみんなの成長を感じ、とても嬉しく思います。 次回のスイミングレッスンも楽しみですね。

The sports festival is approaching and we had our final gym lesson before the event. The instructor specially designed the activities for our Rainbow kids. We first did the warm ups and it was challenging, we did the human bridge, which we used both legs and arms to form a body bridge, next we pretended to answer the phone with our feet, we raised our feet up to our ear and everyone done well! We also did some basic stretches before we proceed to the activities. The first activity was walking with 4 legs, we had to stretch our hands toward the floor and pretend them to be legs, we moved forward and backward with them! Next, we moved front and back while sitting on the mat, it challenged our balance and stability. Lastly, we did the trampoline and we are ready for the sports festival! See you next week!


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