


Nagano Aurora – Ready! Set! Go! (28 June – 2 July)

Hello everyone!

The excitement is rising as the sports festival draws near. This week we have been practicing for the sports day, made our class banner, and had fun music and gym lessons!

Sports festival practice

We all got on the bus together and headed out to the gym for our sports festival practice again. It’s one of the rare occasions that we are able to take the bus together with our older classes, so the spirits were very high on the bus! At the gym, we practiced some of the activities that we will perform next week. Everyone was running with all their might during the relay race! As we all know, we have a class of high energy and strong kids, so this event is right in their wheelhouse!

We also did a round of our obstacle course. They ran through all the obstacles like the wind! No challenge is too big for our brave Aurora class! They are so excited to show you their power at next week’s event!

There will also be an activity together with the parents! We went through what they need to do, and did a practice run. So, hopefully your kids will be able to tell you what to do!

Our classroom banner!

We had a very special crafts day this week! We made our very own classroom banner! The banner will be used during our march at the sports festival next week. The kids got to choose their favorite colors to make some cute handprints. Some only chose one color, while others wanted their hands to be more colorful!

They also made some special wristbands for the event too. They used crayon to draw whatever shape they wanted, used some different colored tape to decorate it and finally, they got to select a shiny “diamond” to stick to their wristband. Making it their very original wristband!

Music lesson

We had another fun music class this week. For the last couple of lesson, we have been saying the names of different fruits while clapping our hands using the metronome. This week, we didn’t’ use the metronome, but we used the same technique to say the name of animals.
The music teacher showed them a picture book of different animals before we started.

Next, we put down a lot of hoops on the floor. The teacher would make a knocking sound to indicate how many times they had to jump. While there was no sound, the kids were supposed to stand quietly and wait for the next sound.

Finally, we took a look at some different ocean animals. Depending on the music the teacher was playing, we had to walk around as the different animals. Then! Suddenly! Some scary music to indicate a shark was on the way! Everyone lay down on the floor to hide from the shark.

Phonics and writing practice

This week’s letter is K!

As usual, we always start our phonics lesson by going over different words that start with the letter. We also talk about who of our friends at school starts with the letter K. Then, we take a closer look at a three-letter word. This week, we looked at the word “KOI” We spelled and sounded out each letter together, slowly working our way to the finally saying the whole word.

We ended the lesson by using a word wheel. The wheel is split up in to multiple parts, each showing a picture of something different. Only 4 of the pictures started with K. Each table got a wheel, and each student got a pinch. One student would put his or hers pinch on of the parts featuring the picture starting with K. Then, they would hand the wheel over to their friend who would do the same thing. Once everyone was finished, they came up and presented the words they found to the class.

The writing practice is also coming along great. Each day, we write the word in the air using our fingers. So, when it’s finally time to do their tracing, they are already familiar with how to write the letter.

Here is a few videos if you want to review the letter during the weekend.


We are in the middle of rainy season here in Nagano, so there isn’t always a lot of opportunities to play outside. However! We were lucky enough to have a couple of good days, and we took advantage by having fun outside together.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!

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