
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon's Lantern! (June 28-July 2)


Hello everyone!
This week’s craft is related to Tanabata or also known as Star Festival which is held on the 7th of July. Before we proceed in making a craft, we first read the Tanabata story. Canyon students made a colorful lantern using paper cups. They chose two cups and cut them into strips by following the lines on it. It was easier for our boys and girls to cut it because it is a hard paper and everyone did a great job practicing their scissor skills. Then the teachers helped them to staple the edges of the strips together and they decorated it with colorful star stickers. We also put a string and a tail, and voila! Here are Canyon’s lanterns!


In the UOI lesson, we ended Unit 1: Who We Are by doing a one-on-one interview with the students to reflect how they liked and remember the lessons. Everyone was able to name some of their body parts, things they like, and who they are. They could also tell whether they are the same or different to their friends. Rainbow Fish story is the most liked book in this unit and they could tell that Rainbow Fish is caring because he was sharing his shiny scale to the little blue fish by just looking at the picture. Well done, Canyon!

UOIレッスンでは、ユニット1:Who We Areの最後に、レッスンの感想や学習したことを振り返るために、子どもたち1対1のインタビューを行いました。みんな、自分の体の一部や好きなもの、自分が誰なのかを言うことができました。また、自分が友達と同じか違うかを伝えることもできました。Rainbow Fish storyはみんなが大好きな絵本で、小さな青い魚に自分の光る鱗を分け与えていたことから、Rainbow Fishが思いやりのある魚であることがわかりました。みんなよく頑張りましたね!

In Phonics, the letter of the week is J as in jelly, jellyfish, jar, jug, joker, jeep, and jaguar. They colored the pictures of the example words. Then searched for J and colored all the boxes to see the mystery letter. Finally, they practiced writing the uppercase of the said letter.

フォニックスでは、 jelly, jellyfish, jar, jug, joker, jeep, jaguar のように、今週の文字はJです。Jから始まるものを表す絵に色を塗りました。そして、たくさんあるアルファベットの中からJを探し、そのボックスに色を塗ると謎の文字が現れるワークシートもしました。最後に、大文字のJを書く練習をしましたよ。

In Math, they practiced writing number 9 by doing the Rainbow Number 9 worksheet. We also learned to arrange numbers 1-10 in proper sequence. After reviewing the numbers, they arranged the numbers on the board in the right sequence. Then we gave them number cards 1-10 individually, and asked them to do the same on their own. So far, most of them understand what they’re supposed to do and are able to do it perfectly! Good job!

算数では、Rainbow Number 9のワークシートを使って、数字の9を書く練習をしました。また、1~10の数字を正しい順序で並べることを学びました。数字を復習した後、ボードに貼られた数字カードを正しい順序に並べてもらいました。そして今度は、1~10の数字カードを個々に渡し、同じように数字を正しい順番で並べてもらいました。ほとんどの子どもたちが自分のやるべきことを理解し、完璧にこなすことができています。よくできました!😊

On Thursday we had our Music lesson. They continue to practice the same activities as last week. They did the stick and colored cards activity, played castanets, and sang songs with actions.


This week, we discussed our Classroom Rules. In a big construction paper, we wrote the rules that they should follow in our class. Each of them was able to give a rule by asking them a question or giving them a situation in our class. Then, we asked them to draw themselves at the bottom. They promised to always remember and follow those rules!


As we went for a walk, we got to see the neighbour’s garden along the way and we were so amazed that most of the vegetables have fruits already! We saw corn, cucumber, onion, green chilli pepper, and many more! Wow! Everyone had a good time seeing those vegetables and kept saying that they like eating vegetables!


That’s all for this week. Thank you for reading Canyon’s weekly blog update! Enjoy your weekend!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon's Lantern! (June 28-July 2)