
Shimauchi Preschool


Work hard, play hard! RF 7/12-16

What is more fun than running and exercising our bodies in the open and taking in some fresh air while children bathe themselves in the little bit of sunshine we got this week! They dug for bugs, challenged themselves on the monkey bars, picked out flowers to make a bouquet, or enjoyed a bit of gentle breeze as they played on the swings.  Just looking at them playing and engaging in outdoor activities is such a beautiful thing!

外で体を動かし、新鮮な空気を吸うことほど楽しいことはありません。子どもたちは、梅雨の合間の貴重な太陽の光を浴びて楽しんでいました。虫を探したり、鉄棒に挑戦したり、花を摘んでブーケを作ったり、そよ風に吹かれながらブランコで遊んだり。 屋外での活動に夢中になっている子どもたちの姿を見ているだけで、とても幸せな気持ちになります。

This week’s UOI lesson, the children made their own authentic community helper puppets and constructed a community map. They all helped make a town with all the common services and businesses that they thought are essential in a community. It is amazing how they thought about the things that they saw on a daily basis while they rode in the cars. They reasoned how they cannot live without these community helpers and the services each one provides. 


The children started learning about the concepts of greater than, less than, and equal to by randomly counting out the number of flower counters.  They then compared their numbers with their partners and finalized their results by saying which one is greater than and which one is less than.  It was quite fun and they all wanted to continue with it until the time ran out. They will certainly get more practice throughout the month. 

Mathの時間には、花のブロックを使って、「大なり」「小なり」「イコール」の概念を学びました。 そして、自分のブロックの数をパートナーと比較し、どちらがより大きく、どちらがより小さい数かを学びました。 とても楽しかったようで、時間いっぱいになるまで続けていました。今月中にもっとたくさんの練習をしたいと思います。

In the phonic lesson, as we concluded Unit 1, the children used their names and made new words out of it. They all thought really hard and observed carefully for vowels, digraphs, blends, and using those clues they came up with words that I didn’t even think of! It was quite interesting! I am sure as we move on to Unit 2 their phonic skills will continue to grow.


We have been adding new ways to reinforce the sight words that the children have learned in the past months. By playing the various games, such as “Jump Out words challenge”, or the newly introduced “Jump out words scavenger hunt”, children got to practice the words that they are not familiar with.  In this game they get a marble every time they identify the word correctly. If they make a mistake, they will learn how to say it then go hide the word and search for another word. The game continues for a while, in the end they will tally the marbles they got in exchange for a number card to keep for the next day. Children can see their progress from day to day. They also help out other children who are having trouble identifying the words. 

この数ヶ月で学んだ頻出単語をしっかりと自分のものにするために、新しい方法を追加しました。例えば、”Jump Out words challenge “や新しく導入した”Jump Out words scavenger hunt “などのゲームで、楽しく単語を練習することができました。 このゲームでは、単語を正しく言えるたびにおはじきがもらえます。間違えた場合は、言い方を覚えてから、その単語を隠して別の単語を探しに行きます。しばらく続けたあと、最後には獲得したおはじきを集計してその数を記録したカードをもらいます。日ごとに自分の進歩を確認することができ、まだ単語を言うのが難しいお友達を助けることもできます。

There are no words to describe how magnificent it is to see the children using their imagination during the free choice time. There is no end to the creative minds! Some children who were working with the dinosaurs said, “these are meat eating dinosaurs so we give them steak and chicken to eat” as they placed the kitchen food toys among the dinosaurs. While some children worked together coloring and cutting out food to feed the stuffed animals, they were conscious of what kind of food is healthy for the stuffed animals!  We are very blessed to have so many families donated the dress up clothes and the children have been enjoying dressing up for a bit of dramatic play. One child even dressed the stuffed animals that she was playing with and said, “she needs a skirt too!” And then there are some who prefer to have some alone time to create things with origami.  A picture speaks for itself, I hope as you take a look at these pictures, you might share their joy as well!  

自由時間に子どもたちが想像力を発揮する姿は、言葉では言い表せないほど素晴らしいものです。子どもたちの創造力には終わりがありません。恐竜を作っていた子どもたちは、「肉を食べる恐竜だから、ステーキやチキンを食べさせてあげよう」と言って、食べ物のおもちゃを恐竜の間に置いていました。また、紙に描かれた食べ物に色を塗ったり、切り抜いたりしてぬいぐるみのための食事を協力して作っている子もいましたが、どんな食べ物が健康的かを意識しながら作っていました。多くのご家庭から寄付していただいたコスチュームを着て、ドラマチックなごっこ遊びを楽しむ姿もあります。自分が遊んでいるぬいぐるみに服を着せて、”この子にもスカートが必要だわ “と言うお友達もいました。一人で折り紙を使って何かを作ることを好むお友達もいます。 写真をご覧いただき、みんなが楽しむ様子を共有していただけたら幸いです。

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