
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Enjoying summer (Meadow-July 12-16)

夏を楽しんでいます  Meadowクラスの7月12日から16日より

Hello everyone,


Despite heavy rains and thunders almost every afternoon, we were able to get in the water. Every morning when our little ones get in the room, they usually asked: “Do we have a pool today?” Luckily, we were able to splash in the water almost every day except on our gym day before the pouring rain. They all love playing in the water and we can hear “I enjoyed the pool!” to most of them. We also had a little activity putting some laminated sea animals in the water and asked them to pick up the one the teacher was asking. They all get refreshed on these hot summer days😊

ほぼ毎日午後は雨や雷をよそに、子供達は午前中に水遊びをしています。毎朝 子供達が教室に入ると、大抵「今日はプールあるの?」と聞いてきます。運の良いことにほぼ毎日雨が降る前に、ジムへ行く日を除き、水しぶきをあげて楽しむことができました。みんな水遊びが大好きで「プール楽しかった!」と皆が言うのを聞くことができます。また水中にラミネートした海の生き物達を入れて先生が言うものを取ったりしました。みんな今週の暑い日を満喫しました。

Hanging jellyfish


This week we made our jellyfish craft. Our little ones decorated the paper plate with different colors of tapes and stuck it on googly eyes. They also had colorful tails. They concentrated well on working for their craft and had a big smile seeing their own work. Most of them said “I’ll show this to my mom😊” While making the craft, they were able to communicate with their friends and teachers using English phrases like: “Help me please, tape please, I want green, yellow, orange, red, I did it!” “ Well done, Meadow!”

今週、子供達はクラゲを作る工作をしました。みんな紙皿に様々なカラフルなテープで飾りつけし目を貼りました。またカラフルな足をモールで付けました。 子供達は工作にとても集中して取り組み作品を見てとびきりの笑顔を見せました。大半の子供達が、制作中に友達や先生達と英語のフレーズ “Help me please, tape please, I want green, yellow, orange, red, I did it!” を言いながら 「お母さんに見せるんだ」 😊 と口々に言っていました。 頑張ったね、Meadowクラスのお友達!

Feed the hungry shark


We had the activity about this month’s topic, “Sea animals”. We have made four colors of widely-opened mouth sharks and we cut the same colors of fish too. Our little learners listened to instructions before we started the activity. We divided the class into two groups and they lined up and waited for their turn to pick the fish they like and fed the shark. After that, we took each color of the shark and counted the number of fish the shark has eaten. They enjoyed counting numbers as well as distinguishing colors.

子供達は今月のテーマである「海の生き物たち」に関するアクティビティをしました。の大きく開いた口の 4色 サメ、同色の魚を を用意しました。子供達はこの遊びをする前に先生のお話をしっかり聞けました。 2グループに分かれて並び好きな魚を取ってサメに食べさせる為に順番を待ちました。そのあとは、それぞれの色のサメを取り出しサメが食べた魚の数を数えました。みんな色分けと同様に数を数えるのを楽しみました。

Let’s dance🕺

踊ろう 🕺

This week, we ended each day dancing “ Ponyo”. Most of the kids remembered the steps and we all wiggled and moved our bodies to the music. We ended our day with a smile.


Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend.


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