
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Our field trip! (Shooting Star July 26-30)

Pet shops, Toys stores, game centers, clothe and shoe stores are some of the stores we have seen on our field trip to Aeon Mall.

Our class has been inquiring about different types of buildings for our IB subject, and this week we just started digging into what help can we can get from them. Last time, we only had a virtual tour since the high temperature outside did not permit us to be lurking in the street. But this time, we had experienced seeing these stores and buildings in person. It was way different from a virtual tour, the kid’s eyes were busy looking around and busy observing the things and stores before their eyes.
SSクラスは「建物」について色々学んでいます。今週からはLOI2に入り、建物のさまざまな役割と目的について探求しはじめました!LOI1ではGoogle Earthでバーチャルツアーをしましたが、今回は社会見学としてイオンモールへリアルタイムで見学ができて、とても嬉しいです。子ども達は色々なお店を観察するのに大忙しでした!全員ルールを守ることができ、とってもおりこうさんでした🥰おりこうさんだった子ども達をお家でもほめてあげてください♪

In the afternoon that day, we sat together and discussed what they saw in the mall, they answered their checklist worksheet as the whole class talks. It was a good way for everyone to review the lesson as they imagine the scenario in the mall.
午後はField Tripでなにを見たかについてクラスディスカッションをしました。ワークシートはチェックリストになっており、イオンモールにあったものとなかったものを確認しました。そして絵がとっても上手なSSさん、Field Tripの思い出を絵に描いて記録しました🖼みんなペットショップが大好きだったようです😉🐶🐈

We used digital dice to practice addition this week. Kids rolled the dice and whatever numbers come out, we added and find the answer. Kids had fun with the dice.

More words in the making. After making friends with letters, we are on to practicing writing words, and this week we wrote the words: Egg and Elf.

For craft, we made the symbol of the Olympics. The kids painted the rings using stamps and their bare hands. To really appreciate the meaning of the symbol, we first discussed what do the rings in the logo represents and then proceeded in the painting. The kids had enjoyed every step of this activity, very memorable indeed!

We started a new book this week for reading. The book is called “We Are”, and it focuses on the preposition In and At. The kids love reading so much, and you can see their enthusiasm for being good at reading.
リーディングは「We Are」を読みました。この本では前置詞のInとAtについて学びました。SSさんは本当にリーディングが大好きなのが、良く伝わってきます🥰

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend!

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