
Shimauchi Preschool


A step into the unknown – RF 8/2-8/6

We took the opportunity and visited the ISN 3rd and 4th graders’ classrooms this week. The children got to interact with the elementary students and made a craft together. They were all nervous initially and many of them were quiet for a while, until they started following the elementary students’ lead in creating the craft together. They all had a great time making the crafts and got a feel of how it is to be an elementary student. The children will be making a thank you note for the elementary students.  I am sure the children cannot wait to show their gratitude through their words and drawings! 


One day this week, some children came to me and said, “The Sumiko stuffed animals have no home”. I commented and asked, “ That is right, they are homeless.  What do you think we should do?” They all said, “ We need to give them a home! Let’s make a house for  them!” We went and searched for a perfect size box to make a home for the stuffed animals. The children asked me to cut a big door and a window first, as they folded things with origami papers, glued and decorated in and out of the “house” afterwards. It was such a glorious sight to see them problem solved, getting creative together and most importantly to show their care for the things they love.

今週、何人かの子どもたちが担任のところに来て、「すみっコぐらしのぬいぐるみには家がないね!」と言いました。「そうですね、お家がないですね。 どうしたらいいと思いますか?」と聞くと、全員が「家を作ってあげよう!」と言いました。家を作るのにぴったりのサイズの箱を探しに行き、最初にドアと窓の穴を担任が作り、子どもたちは折り紙で家の中と外を飾り付けました。子どもたちが問題を解決し、一緒に創造性を発揮し、そして何よりも自分たちの好きなものを大切にしていることを示す、とても輝かしい光景でした。

The children have come a long way in their knowledge of phonemic awareness. They have progressed to notice the silent e sound, and started making short sentences and long paragraphs by choosing words from the vocabulary wall. Just look at some of the sentences that they have come up with! It is amazing to read what they wrote! For the more advanced children, they used their imagination and wrote about an experience they had when they went somewhere special. 


In math, the children were being divided into groups to work with new math concepts, as well as reviewing the ones they have learned in the past few months. They all commented how much they enjoyed working in small groups and with different materials. As well, we started the guided reading groups during our reading time, where the children can practice a particular skill they need to help them be a better reader. 


This week’s UOI lesson, the children started talking about feelings and using different strategies to resolve conflicts. They have learned a few strategies by listening to stories, watching a few Youtube clips, and discussing ways we can use to solve various problems. During the discussion, some children came up to play a skit on how different scenarios required using a certain strategie to resolve. After the discussions, they all drew pictures of the times when they were experiencing difficult feelings, and how they will use the strategies they have learned to solve it in the future. 


After a hard day of work, the children always enjoy some quiet time to read a book alone or with a friend. Some chose to work together on building a city, a dinosaur park, or role play doctor and nurse treating a sick patient! Whatever the case may be, the fun continues. As we always say, “work hard, and play hard!”


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