
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon's Field Trip! (Aug. 2-6)


Field trips for kids are fun, but they also provide unique opportunities for students to learn in a new environment and make real world connections to the knowledge they have gained in class.


We started this week by going on a field trip which is related to our first LOI: Animals in our environment. Canyon students saw animals in their real habitat. They saw different shapes, sizes, and features of fish that live in the river and beetles. The tour guide had even prepared an exciting activity to see the difference among the fish. He showed pictures of fish and students identified which one matches the fish behind the glass. They did a great job in doing this activity by asking and answering some questions to the tour guide. We also got a chance to see man-made and real rivers. The fish they saw live in the man-made river. When we were walking to see the real river, we stopped for a while and tried to listen to the burble of the river. The tour guide also explained that the water in the river comes from the mountain and the water in the river goes down to the ocean. Also, sometimes there are bears from the mountain that come down to the river to get some food when they’re hungry and couldn’t find food in the mountain. That’s interesting! Overall, our Canyon students had so much fun and learned a lot from this field trip!

今週は、最初のLOIである “身の回りの動物たち “に関連した社会見学に出かけました。サバンナ、キャニオンの子どもたちは、実際の生息地で動物を見ました。川に生息する魚やカブトムシの形や大きさ、特徴を見ました。案内してくれた方は、魚の違いを見るため、ワクワクするような活動も用意していた。魚の写真を見せて、子どもたちはガラスの向こうにいる魚とどれが一致するかを確認しました。子どもたちは、ガイドさんに質問したり、答えたりして、この活動を上手にこなしていました。また、人工の川と本物の川を見る機会もありました。子ども達が見た魚は、人工の川に生息していました。本物の川を見るために歩いているとき、私たちはしばらく立ち止まって、川の音を聞いてみました。ガイドさんの説明によると、川の水は山から流れてきて、川の水は海に流れていくそうです。また、山には熊がいて、山で食べられなかったものを、川に食べに来ることもあるそうです。それは面白いですね。サバンナ、キャニオンの子どもたちはこの社会見学でとても楽しく、多くのことを学びました。

Then in our next UOI lesson, they completed their worksheet about the field trip. This time they drew the animals they saw in the park and their favorite part of the field trip. They loved watching the fish and beetles in their homes, and the river that they saw.


On Friday, we started in our LOI2: How our actions affect animals (Causation). To know if the students are aware of the good and bad actions or activities of people, I gave them pictures and asked them to post them on the wall, GOOD or BAD. They also tried to describe what’s happening in the picture, but later we’ll discuss more about it.


In Phonics, we focused on the letter O as in octopus, orange, onion, oven, ostrich, olives, and owl. They also practiced tracing the uppercase letter O. 

フォニックスでは、octopus, orange, onion, oven, ostrich, olives, owlなどのOの文字に注目しました。また、大文字のOをなぞる練習もしました。

In Math, our boys and girls are enjoying rote counting up to 100. They always say that they want to count up to 100 which makes them feel happy and accomplished. They also practiced writing number 3.


This week, we also spent some time practicing for our dance performance in the upcoming Sports Festival. They are doing a good job so far, but still need more practice. It’s going to be a long holiday next week, so if you have time please let them watch the video below and try to practice the dance moves. 


We’ll be making a blue sea turtle craft the week after the holidays and they will be needing strips of paper, so we already started cutting small strips of paper. They are showing lots of improvement now in using scissors. Good job, everyone!


Canyon students are having a good time playing in the outdoor pool everyday which is perfect for this summer season. Also we always encourage them as much water/tea as they can to keep them hydrated. Look how creative and imaginative they are in making things out of blocks. Boys love making swords and cars while girls love making houses and completing the World map puzzle.


That’s all for this week! Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe always!


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